Wildlife at The Compound

Photos behind a cut to save your monitor space.

A frog? A toad? Do I look like some kind of naturalist?

Three distant and blurry photos of the same little visitor:

And what the hell is this? A bat? A hyena?

Oh, never mind. That’s just a White-Toothed Pixie.

10 thoughts on “Wildlife at The Compound”

    1. It’s been raining most of today. Drizzling, at least. So the hummingbirds are in the trees–I can see them chasing and roughhousing. But they aren’t coming down to the feeder. I probably should get some new nectar, since I may have diluted this batch too much. But hopefully I’ll get more and better photos, as anyone could who sits still long enough and endures the freaking mosquitoes.

    1. Apparently, our area’s toad and/or frog population has exploded. Which is fine with me, as they eat the freaking mosquitoes I mentioned in my reply to Mark.

        1. Frog giggin’ frogs are HUGE. Not like these little fellows. Though I have cooked and eaten frog legs, I don’t think I want to anymore. On Wednesday night’s menu is kidney bean Kiev. Interested?

    1. If you lived in Australia like some of my other friends, you’d have a right to start making demands. Simmer down—wait a minute. Was there a Dash Haiku this week?!?

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