Photo Friday, No. 156

Current Photo Friday theme: My Favorite Spot

One of my most difficult Photo Friday challenges ever. I have favorite spots in Alabama, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming.

In Houston, I have a variety of favorite places depending on my mood. In the middle of a drought in July, my current favorite spot is sitting on my bed next to snoozing dogs, laptop in front of me for writing, favorite book and beverage next to me, and maybe a canvas to paint or a doll outfit to sew.

Still, Glenwood Cemetery is one of my favorite places in the city regardless of the weather. Shaded by majestic trees, set among rare hills in this flat coastal city of 2.5 million, it offers a chance to be left alone with only a fountain or waterfall breaking the silence. It even provides a view of Houston’s fantastic skyline. It’s the ideal secluded spot for reflection and daydreaming, and the dead have never objected to my walking among them.