Occasionally when I’m getting into my car to leave The Compound, I can feel eyes watching me. I always automatically scan an upstairs window in Tim’s apartment, where he made a little spot for EZ, then Tyson, and sometimes Rex, to watch the world. Wednesday, when I got that eerie feeling of a steady gaze trained on me, there was no doggie in the window. Then my eyes shifted left, and I saw:

Which upon closer inspection, became:

Cats crack me up.
haha that’s just too funny. 🙂
He was up there again today!
I wonder if we have some sort of psychic ability that makes us sense somebody is watching us?
Is that one of your cats?
Sometimes I would catch Smokey watching me for long periods of time. I’d ask her what she was thinking, but she’d never tell me.
It’s one of the neighborhood cats–not sure whose. I love it that cats can stare so long without blinking. But you’re right. They never share their thoughts, unless it’s about a can opener.
So Cute! (but don’t you mean “Cat’s crack me up.”)
Chri’s 🙂
Ha ha! I keep trying to think of a way to use [ ‘s] in a response, but it’s not happening.
…with a question mark after the word “up”, of course!
…(outside the brackets)
They have such ‘knowing’ faces, you really do wonder just what they’re thinking!!!
“I bet they taste like chicken.”
*chortle* (Probably!!!)
I was always sure my cats were thinking, Oh. Him again. Wait. If I purr, I’ll get a treat. Still, I would be debasing myself for mere treats. Still, they’re treats. Okay. I’ll purr, but I won’t really mean it..
Yes, that’s about it – my sister has three cats and whenever I go round there I always get that feeling . . . ooooh, here’s someone new, let’s try it out and see what treats we get! (Dastardly plot hatched out between the three of them!).
Stll . . . you’ve got to love ’em, just for the entertainment factor! *grin*
But only if you eat them in Chinese.
I wonder if we do taste like chicken? I hope I never find out.
just keeping an eye on you shifty humans…
Smart cat.
yep, definitely giving you the eye, there
And was back again today, doing the same. I told Tim at least there won’t be any rats or squirrels running across the roof.
That’s my sniper.
He/she totally could be–as expressionless as any Secret Service agent, for sure.
“Tomorrow. Yes, I believe I’ll cut the blonde one’s brake line tomorrow.”
Cats are devious. And they’re all plotting to make deaths look like accidents.
I learned that about them at an early age when sharing stairs with them.
The way you wrote that gave me a shiver,even though I knew it had to be something amusing watching you.
I did not know Tim was a shape shifter!
Jim says that Tim used to date a shape shifter. Maybe they had more in common than we realized.
Count yourself lucky it didn’t hit you with a water balloon.
And was neither dressed as a clown nor softly saying, “Squish. Squish.”
Be verrry careful … it might be Oskar’s ghost. No, he wasn’t a tortoise-shell, and because yours is, it’s probably a female. (99% of all tri-color cats are female.)
What is the difference between a tortoise-shell and a calico? ‘Cause I’d have called this one a calico, but that’s just because it’s the term I’m more familiar with.
tortoise-shell is usually reserved for cats with minimal white in the triple colorings. If the cat is predominately white with just ear, head, paw, spots and tail markings it’s calico. It’s caused by the same genetic defects in the female cat. Also calico is a more U.S. term