I’m thinking of changing my LJ title from….

An Aries Knows (everything) to A Possessive Pronoun DOES NOT NEED AN APOSTROPHE.

His. Hers. Theirs. Yours. Ours. Its.

Just needed to vent. Better now. Don’t think I’m talking about YOU. I was reading an AP article which was apostrophe-rich. Clearly, someone couldn’t be bothered to go to English and Journalism classes after staying up all night drinking then going to Krystal before crashing in the dorm room. Not that I have any knowledge of such things.

43 thoughts on “I’m thinking of changing my LJ title from….”

  1. So the possessive pronoun isn’t “his’s?” I learned something new today. Remember, folks, education is the only thing that is your’s yours. This also explains why I couldn’t find “his’s” in mine’s dictionary. I’m a gooder wryter now. Thanks.

    Yes, I’m still sick, so you can’t retaliate. Really.

  2. Heh heh heh.

    On the flipside, catching yourself having done that? Mortifying. Thank the gods there’s an edit button on LJ. Too bad it doesn’t exist on an already sent e-mail. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. They’re my favourite punctuation, obviously, but I, too, suffer the apostrophe rage when I see them misplaced. Love the apostrophe! Don’t toss it around like a whorish strumpet!

    1. OMG…I use that edit feature much too often!

      @Becky: It’s (notice appropriate use of apostrophe) so frustrating when you’re reading and you trip over an incorrectly placed apostrophe – it messes with the groove man.

  3. I tell ya, Becky: When you think it’s just a momentary oversight, then it’s no big deal. But when you get the impression it’s out of ignorance? Then it’s depressing.

      1. Don’t you mean “y’all make me so proud?” Speaking of which, I’ve actually been part of the discussion as to whether it’s “y’all” or “ya’all.” We won’t even get into the possessive for of that one. I would make you twitch.

    1. Re: ummmm… sorry

      No, I won’t let you martyr yourself for the “it’s” people. I have no memory of your committing this error.

      Anyway, my tolerance can be bought with a mocha frappuccino.

  4. Has anyone seen my apostropheโ€ฝ I must have misplaced it, but I can’t find it anywhere.

    BTW, the AP writer just started that job … he used to be a former proofreader on A COVENTRY WEDDING.

  5. For me it’s the constant CONSTANT use of the apostrophe to make something PLURAL. I will actually not want to buy something/shop at a store/visit a location/whatever
    based on seeing an ad or sign or whathaveyou with something pluralized (is that a word?) with an apostrophe. The sucky thing is that most of the ladies at work do it.
    So there are boxes on a shelf labeled “4×6 box’s” or “4×6 boxe’s”. It’s the kind of thing that can make me almost crash my car while exploding from seeing it on a sign.
    Oh, and on worksheets and emails from Aidan’s teachers…

  6. Oh, I am so with you on this, Becky!
    It’s sometimes called the “Greengrocer’s apostrophe” here – as in tomatoe’s, potatoe’s, cucumber’s, etc…Grr! (makes my blood boil).

    1. I just saw that term for the first time yesterday: greengrocer’s apostrophe. Can any little symbol be more misused than the poor apostrophe?

  7. “Alot” is the one that freaks me out the most. I can still hear Sr. Joan of Arc beating her ruler on top of her desk. “A – LOT! A – LOT! A – LOT!”

    1. Yes, this was a big one when I taught. Also, though it’s become common to use it, I deplore “alright.” The acceptable usage is “all right,” and nothing makes me back away from that.

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