
It’s another shameless use of innocent dolls to promote A Coventry Wedding. Still on pre-order status at Amazon, but I happen to know a few people have gotten their hands on copies.

In other news, two new angels have joined the band.

Admit it; you were checking out those titles behind the angels, weren’t you? Book slut!

The angels arrived on craft night, the highlights of which involved Starbucks peppermint mochas, Betty Crocker Cookie Brownie Bars (BUY THIS MIX and don’t overbake!), new toys from Iowa for the dogs (it was the night EZ went to her forever home, but Sugar was happy to step in), and of course, Lindsey making a face as soon as I pointed a camera at her.

Not pictured with a toy: Guinness, because it wasn’t long before Margot:

20 thoughts on “Look!”

  1. I read something about Coventry Wedding in Romantic Times‘ upcoming releases at work last night on my break. I meant to copy down the main blurb to post here, but we were crazy busy and I forgot. It was good though! =0)

  2. “Admit it; you were checking out those titles behind the angels, weren’t you? Book slut!”

    You bet! “Sex Toys of the . . .” what? *giggle*

    Oh and the angels are nice (and wonderfully colourful) too!

  3. Catching up on your LJ…
    How many of those angels did we decorate after Steve’s passing? They were a confort. Put up as many trees as you want… I am not sure if I will have a “main” tree or not. Plans here are not working out like I envisioned.

    I am content to know that Craig would be happy that the star is again working and back on the chimney as he would want it.

    Christmas is the happiest time and the saddest time for me. But this willl pass and the pain will recede for a time.

    Love your mother and father, miss them the love the people you still have and enjoy every moment with them.

    my one resolution for 2009 is to spend more time with my BFF. Get ready.

    1. Okay, the star is up, but I hope there was at least a little cussin’ involved in getting it there, as is tradition.

      Did you ever see my Thanksgiving Day post in which you played a feature role?

      We did most of those angels after Steve died, for sure. As much as you and your sister sparked my enthusiasm for Christmas, I must admit my interest waned after he died in 1992. Then I realized how selfish I was being. In the first place, he loved Christmas and would have been celebrating it to the fullest (as would Tim R). In the second place, Tom deserves a happy Christmas and birthday. So I relearned to appreciate the holiday.

      Are there cheese straws? I need to make some cheese straws. And by “I,” I mean Tom and whoever else (cough*Lindsey*cough) I can lure into the kitchen.

        1. I wouldn’t dare try to schedule it because I know what the coming days are like for you. I will just be lying in wait for that occasion you drop in and I can say, “Hey, I just happen to have this cookie press and a big ball of cheese straw dough. What are the chances?!?”

          Or else I’ll just torment Tom into doing it tonight. Which reminds me, I should be out buying his birthday present right now.

  4. I was totally checking out the books too!

    I got my copy of A Coventry Wedding today, and promptly requested more for the store. I can’t wait to dig into it. I’m going to start as soon as I finish The Mayor of Castro Street.

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