Only LiveJournal members can support a nomination to the LJ Advisory Board. As it happens, Timothy J. Lambert and his running mate, Rexford G. Lambert, are hoping you will support Timothy’s nomination to the Advisory Board. His key issues are creativity, content, inclusiveness, and goofy dog pictures. You can read his self-nomination speech and vote for him at this link right here.
As you know, in Becky World, it’s all about Tim, and it doesn’t hurt that he has a cool dog. Thanks for your support, and you are more than welcome to ask your LJ friends to support Timothy’s nomination.
My name is Timothy J. Lambert. This is Rexford G. Lambert, and we approve this post.
I don’t know. I support his goofy dog picture plank, but can’t get behind the idea of content in ‘blogs. I mean, have you read mine lately? 😉 I’ll support him in the hopes that this election gets sorted out sooner than the democratic presidential nominating process!
Hush, you, I love your blog.
(Still cracking up about “Dying with your dog.”)
Thank you for calling this to our attention, I had no idea Tim was running!
You are most welcome. =)
The perfect running mates!
They get my vote . . .!!
Especially Rex.