
I don’t watch much TV, so I never saw this Discovery Channel commercial that Cousin Ron just sent me (because he’s not as cantankerous as he pretends to be). Another thing that made me smile, almost like the old Coke commercial.

18 thoughts on “Aw(e)…”

  1. That just put the biggest smile on my face. I so needed that. I’m gonna have to go favorite it on youtube so I can watch it any time I need a grin. 🙂

  2. That? Awesome. In a couple thousand years, when someone is examining my mummified remains (yes, now I want to be mummified), I hope they’re singing “Boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da…”

  3. I don’t recall ever seeing that before, and I watch the Discovery Channel from time to time. I think it’s awesome, for sure. I love the earth. Now, I have to go outside and enjoy what it has to offer. 🙂

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