Button Sunday

Oh, I know what you’re thinking. There she goes again, with more of her liberal ranting. But my politics are really not why this is today’s button.

Several years ago, my friends Christine and John ran across a Herbert Hoover doll. Herbert Hoover, in case you don’t know, was the thirty-first president of the United States. But they decided to turn him into a more controversial Hoover: J. Edgar Hoover, who was director of the FBI for something like eight hundred years.

Most people have heard rumors that J. Edgar Hoover’s fiercely guarded secret was that he was homosexual and/or a crossdresser. Christine and John felt that if these rumors were true, he could find no more accepting home than among my population of dolls. Therefore, they turned Herbert into J. Edgar and sent him to me with a few wardrobe enhancements and…

…his own closet.

It’s true that I welcomed him and never judged him. In fact, I worried that he was probably terribly lonely. A couple of years later, my friends Jeff and John helped someone they knew decorate for a Christmas party. Their friend had thrown out some decorations from previous years. They spotted this and realized that one man’s trash could be another man’s treasure.

So J. Edgar got a companion.

Fast forward a few years, to a time when the TimLair was called The Doll House because of the display cases there. Tim had been down from NYC for a visit. Several weeks after he left, I was sitting in the apartment and I just got this feeling that something in one of the display cases was different. Sure enough, Tim had switched outfits on one of the couples at the Black and White Ball.

Since they’re all smiles, it’s clear that Tim understood them better than I did. So now J. Edgar has lots of like-minded friends to make him feel comfortable. And no matter what people say, being who he is hasn’t impaired his ability to do his job at all. When the need arises, he can don his FBI director drag, slam that closet door shut, and keep the USA safe from…

flower children like Ken and Midge.

10 thoughts on “Button Sunday”

  1. J.Edgar’s got his trigger finger at the ready. Oh, this one’s a great one. Your Ken and Midge are SWEET! Can’t get over some of your treasures, like to see them, Becky! : )

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