Neither of these people is me. What do you think they’re doing in The Compound Library?
…The Compound Library… Sometimes I, too, crack myself up, FARB.
Who goes there? Please leave comments so (An Aries Knows)!
Neither of these people is me. What do you think they’re doing in The Compound Library?
…The Compound Library… Sometimes I, too, crack myself up, FARB.
Okay, that’s it. When I get home, I’m figuring out our new digital camera, and taking pictures of the library we renovated. And posting them. And making people cry in jealousy.
Because I’m that petty.
You’d better not make me cry, or I’ll give a terrible, evil character your name.
Hrm. Well, I posted them. If tears intrude, I hereby apologize, and remind you that, technically, my name is Jonathan.
Just saying.
I shall never visit The Compound in my PJs. None of them match and certainly none are that cute.
I think I can still hear the angels singing.
… and why is there a crab in the snowglobe — does PETA know about this practice?
Is it sad that I looked at the photo and thought, “Light as a feather…stiff as a board?”
Not at all… because when I went back and looked at it I thought, “my lord, it looks like I’m passing gas.”
Or having a really good moment.
Which, in a library, hey, I’m all about that.
Where, yeah! I totally agree: room full of books = orgasm… that is not my “O” face. 😉
Although my pose is reverent, I look like I’ve smelled something not quite right, so maybe you did pass gas.