Confidential to David P.

I told you I’d try to get some shots of a few building decorations. As much as I love my digital camera, I still have not mastered using it at night, especially without my tripod (should have tossed it in my car before I went out today). Still, here’s a little photography and geography of Houston for you.

Highland Village is an upscale shopping center between me (I’m in Neartown, which I consider part of Midtown) and Uptown (the Galleria area, location of the hotel we’ve talked about before). These red ribbons/bows are on top of several Highland Village shops, in this case, Cole Haan.

In this photo, I’m on Westheimer, looking west toward the Galleria, trying to get a good shot of the palm trees. The skyscraper you can see in the background is the Williams Tower. When I moved here, it was called the Transco Tower, and that’s how I still think of it, because I’m stubborn.

Still looking west, a better shot of the palms.

Now looking east, to show you how long this row of lit palms is (on both sides of Westheimer).

Another blurry bow, this one over Banana Republic.

On my way home, I spotted these lights hanging from the live oaks outside a River Oaks mansion.

The blur! I’d estimate these lights are anywhere from 25 to 40 feet up into the branches of the live oaks.

If you were here, I know you’d totally see all three of these movies at the Baby River Oaks with me.

I was trying to get a shot of the lit palm trees in Neartown, but if you peer hard, you can see some of the Downtown skyscrapers in the distance.

Pretty Montrose palm.

12 thoughts on “Confidential to David P.”

  1. Oh it’s all so pretty and green…plus I have never met a tree I couldn’t love so love the palms and live oaks.

    I just love how green and mild it is down there now, yet I realize the brutal summers would kill this midwest-west coast boy….sigh…..

    Thank you for the beautiful card my dear and for taking the time to post these shots of your beautiful corner of the world.

  2. OMG, Rhonda and I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond two nights ago and drove by that house in River Oaks. I was shrieking with delight, it was so beautiful! I’m glad you got pictures of that house…
    … and did you see the street across from that house?? Sooo many houses with pretty lights. =)

  3. I love, love, LOVE that River Oaks house! I couldn’t really stare at it well, because I was driving, but it was gorgeous.

    And I love the palms on West Gray. Oddly, I am kind of sad when they take the lights down. They’re so festive.

  4. BEAUTIFUL! I wish I could see it in person! That shot of the River Oaks tree is fabulous, it reminds me of a scene from Disney’s “Fantasia.” And the bows on top of the stores was a great idea, whoever came up with it. lol
    And yes, I would definitely see ALL of those movies with you. 🙂

  5. I will bring my cameral tomorrow and add the Christmas trees (fake) that line Post Oak Blvd. They are beautiful.

    Houston is a very green city. Its the heat, no its the HUMIDITY!

  6. Why didn’t it occur to me that you have palm trees? How beautiful!
    (I sort of prefer the blurred photos. They’re “noiser,” and make me feel like I’m there.)

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