Two Days Until World AIDS Day, December 1

Bristol-Myers Squibb is hosting its third annual “Light to Unite” campaign.

Light to Unite is an initiative in cooperation with the National AIDS Fund to increase HIV/AIDS awareness in the U.S. Every year on World AIDS Day, Light to Unite brings together sponsors to hold a virtual candle-lighting event online and forwards the donation to AIDS organizations in the U.S. to help fight HIV/AIDS.

For each virtual candle lit through December 31, 2006, Bristol-Myers Squibb will contribute $1 to the National AIDS Fund, up to a maximum contribution of $100,000, to benefit AIDS service organizations in underserved communities in the U.S.

Even after the $100,000 is met, Web site visitors have the opportunity to increase the impact of the Bristol-Myers Squibb contribution to the National AIDS Fund by making an additional donation on the National AIDS Fund Web site at

You can read more about Bristol-Myers Squibb at their site.

This is Light to Unite’s logo:

Thanks, Gary in KY, for reminding me of this opportunity.

6 thoughts on “Two Days Until World AIDS Day, December 1”

  1. Becky, I can’t find anything here, going on for World Aids day! I emailed the Nashville Cares people, then called, no response. There has to be something. Do you know of anything? I ask because you seem to be able to find all these great sites on it.

      1. Oh thank you! We will be going to the Centennial Park ceremony. I don’t know why this hasn’t been put in other papers.

        Now, I can share some of this with my students. Thank you again!

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