Back at The Compound and trying to get focused. What would I do without coffee? Today’s coffee cup is brought to you courtesy of Timmy and Paul and their recent vacation to scenic Maine. The Black Moose in Bar Harbor has no Internet presence, so I can’t provide a link.
Looming over the cup is a graphic that was useful in keeping my setting accurate in A COVENTRY CHRISTMAS (my printout has all the businesses, streets, and homes labeled). Coffee helped with that, too.
Thanks for the coffee cup, guys!
I have a collection of coffee mugs too but not nearly as extensive! I will post a photo of them all soon.
I constantly think, everywhere I go now, is there a mug for Becky???
Is Coventry, Texas an actual place? I Wikipedia’ed it and got nothing.
No, I made it up. I had a lot of fun with it.
Man, you are so creative! That map was a great idea. Can’t wait to read the book! Only a few more weeks until it’s available, right?
You’re so nice. October 3. And every time I say, think, or write that date, I want to run and throw up. I may just get lumps instead, so Rex can post pictures of me online.