Cry baby, cry

It is some relief to weep; grief is satisfied and carried off by tears.

1. What movie watched in the theater made you cry the most?
2. What movie watched at home made you cry the most?
3. What TV show made you cry the most?
4. What work of art made you cry the most?
5. What song made you cry the most?
6. What musical composition made you cry the most?
7. What fiction made you cry the most?
8. What nonfiction made you cry the most?
9. What poem made you cry the most?
10. What play made you cry the most?

I’m too nice to tag anyone with this meme.

1. What movie watched in the theater made you cry the most?
La Vita รจ Bella (Life is Beautiful)

2. What movie watched at home made you cry the most?
Untamed Heart

3. What TV show made you cry the most?
Overall, ER, so much that I stopped watching it.
Single show, the last episode of Life Goes On

4. What work of art made you cry the most?
If the AIDS Quilt is a work of art, that would be the one

5. What song made you cry the most?
Hmmm. Maybe Neil Young’s “Birds”

6. What musical composition made you cry the most?
Barber’s Adagio for Strings

7. What fiction made you cry the most?
the very end of Felice Picano’s Like People in History

8. What nonfiction made you cry the most?
Paul Monette’s Borrowed Time

9. What poem made you cry the most?
“When You Are Old” by W.B. Yeats

10. What play made you cry the most?
a production of Of Mice and Men

8 thoughts on “Cry baby, cry”

  1. 1. What movie watched in the theater made you cry the most? Lord of the Rings
    2. What movie watched at home made you cry the most? Brokeback Mountain
    3. What TV show made you cry the most? Queer as Folk
    4. What work of art made you cry the most? so far none. Wait until Italy.
    5. What song made you cry the most? Man in Motion
    6. What musical composition made you cry the most? anything Mozart
    7. What fiction made you cry the most? The Green Mile
    8. What nonfiction made you cry the most? none yet
    9. What poem made you cry the most? Ariel by Sylvia Plath
    10. What play made you cry the most? Hamlet

  2. 1. What movie watched in the theater made you cry the most? “Silver Lake Life”
    2. What movie watched at home made you cry the most? “My Life Without Me”
    3. What TV show made you cry the most? “Six Feet Under”
    4. What work of art made you cry the most? See Becky’s answer, but also Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”
    5. What song made you cry the most? “4 x 5” by John Mayer
    6. What musical composition made you cry the most? “I know that it was a Rachmaninoff piece for strings and piano, but don’t know the specific name…”
    7. What fiction made you cry the most? “Madame Bovary”
    8. What nonfiction made you cry the most? “Diary of Anne Frank”
    9. What poem made you cry the most? “Waste Land by T. S. Eliot, Daddy by Sylvia Plath and All My Pretty Ones by Anne Sexton”
    10. What play made you cry the most? “Les Miserables, To Kill a Mockingbird & Romeo and Juliet”

      1. Re: Duh

        Silver Lake was tough. I think I prepare myself for a lot of those movies, though. My sister rented Untamed Heart and once I realized that it was going to wipe me out, I was too far into it to run away. By the end, I was on the floor sobbing. She felt really guilty. (So every cloud DOES have a silver lining, ha!)

  3. 1. What movie watched in the theater made you cry the most?
    Titanic–when everyone dies at the end

    2. What movie watched at home made you cry the most?

    3. What TV show made you cry the most?

    4. What work of art made you cry the most?
    None has

    5. What song made you cry the most?
    Daddy’s Car by Divine Comedy
    “it’s all the happiness we deserved”

    6. What musical composition made you cry the most?
    I don’t think there is one

    7. What fiction made you cry the most?
    Eagle of the Ninth, when the kid’d dog is killed

    8. What nonfiction made you cry the most?

    9. What poem made you cry the most?
    One I wrote

    10. What play made you cry the most?

  4. as best I can remember
    1. Steel Magnolias/Dances with Wolves
    2. ???
    3. Lassie
    4. Muir Woods (redwoods in CA)
    5. Amazing Grace
    6. not a Connoisseur
    7. Bless the Beasts and the Children
    8. The Bible
    9. ???
    10. i like funny plays

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