Last night I went to bed between nine and ten. I wanted to sleep through the night and get a lot done today. Instead, I woke up at 2 a.m. to some great news in an e-mail from Tim regarding a project we’re working on. I’ll be glad when that’s at a point where I can speak more publicly about it–but that’s not yet.
Of course, I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I got a few things accomplished through the night, then went out early this morning. Sent my galley changes to Kensington for A COVENTRY CHRISTMAS. Got some birthday cards in the mail. Yesterday was James’s birthday, so in his honor, I had breakfast at our favorite Baby Barnaby’s. I love that place, and it would have been better except for the very tall woman sitting at a nearby table who was showing two inches of butt-crack. Why does anyone think the rest of us want to see that while we’re eating breakfast? Stupid low-riding jeans.
On the way home, with all kinds of plans in my head for work on TJB5, I realized I was getting a migraine. I could barely see to drive. Instead of having a wonderfully productive day, I took drugs and went to sleep until four p.m. So much for my good intentions.
**Bonus points for anyone who knows the source of this entry’s title
I didn’t realize you suffered migraines (or, in a fit of self-absorption, I’d forgotten, if I knew). *dark room/silent hug*
VERY rarely. They were frequent during my adolescence and twenties. Then they stopped, only to return in a different form for about ten years–severe four-day headaches connected to my “cycle,” but without vision problems or numbness (but with smell and light sensitivity and sometimes nausea). I still have those, but not every month like I once did. True migraines, like today’s, I almost never have. But I know that you do, and trust me, I sympathize. I hope that maybe yours will decrease in frequency or go away altogether as you get older, too.
I’ve only had about three migraines in my life but, remembering them, you have my full sympathy. Take care.
Thank you, I’m so much better now.
Glad your migraine’s gone. Unfortunately, I think I found it this morning.
Ugh. I hope you are rid of it quickly. But I don’t want it back, okay?
OK, nobody’s guessed yet. What is the source for the entry’s title?
This was a line spoken by a drunken Bill to Jake after they pass a taxidermist’s shop in Ernest Hemingway’s THE SUN ALSO RISES. It’s one of those scenes that made me laugh, so that line always stayed with me.