Before Garfield was just a movie I never saw…

Today’s coffee cup, brought to you and me by my brother sometime around 1980.

And for clever LJ readers, behind Garfield, on my monitor, words from Tim that you’ll see again in the next TJB novel sometime in the fall of 2007.

5 thoughts on “Before Garfield was just a movie I never saw…”

    1. It is a flat screen. When we got Tim the wireless card for his birthday, since we were in the store already…

      I’m trying very hard not to make big purchases right now. However, people whose opinions I respect are constantly reminding me that these computers are part of our jobs. Expense justified. And I’ve only had two PCs since 1997, so I think I’ve stayed pretty sane. But see how guilty I feel? I can’t just say, “Yes! I have a new monitor! Yay!” Sad…

  1. has a sibling mug from the same era: Garfield is standing on Pookie to reach some food, and he thinks, “I love you because you help me reach my goals.”

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