7 thoughts on “So misunderstood…”

  1. He drinks Dr Pepper and he’s proud.

    He use to feel alone in a crowd
    but now you look around these days
    and it seems theres a dr pepper CRAZE

    I’m a pepper he’s a pepper she’s a pepper we’re a pepper
    wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?
    I’m a pepper he’s a pepper she’s a pepper

    If you drink dr pepper you’re a pepper too!

    Us peppers are an interesting breed
    An original taste is what we need
    Ask any pepper and they’ll say “only Dr Pepper tastes that way”

    I’m a pepper he’s a pepper she’s a pepper we’re a pepper wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?

    Speaking of Pepper’s, did you know that Greg used to be a Pepper. He kept a case in the fridge at all times – and my other roommate would drink it … in fact she would take the last one and leave the box in there. Greg would get up in the morning – and there would be no Pepper, and well … he was very angry ! He started buying Dr Pepper and keeping it under his bed so she wouldn’t find it… No, she did not come into his room, find it, tell me she knew he hid it there and drink it.


    Ask him about it, and just watch his face – HILARITY!

    1. Did you do that from memory? ‘Cause the only one I could remember (and thus my title) was “Dr. Pepper, so misunderstood, it tastes different, and millions of people love the difference of Dr. Pepper…”

      When did Greg abandon Dr. Pepper for Pepsi?

      1. I remembered most of it — but I checked Garth Brooks lyrics for the rest … I can’t lie, even though I really want to.

        I had no idea that Greg had switched to Pepsi till I saw him last year!


        I have no idea why he changed. Perhaps he does not want to worry about Paul Purloining his Pepper .. although couldn’t Paul Purloin his Pepsi… Hmm.

        I am going to ask him about this – because he was a Pepper FIEND

      2. And the answer is …
        Marika [8:30 AM]: Becky and I were gossipin about you — Why did you give up Dr Pepper for Pepsi…
        Greg [8:32 AM]: its too sweet
        Marika [8:35 AM]: really … hmmm …when did you notice that. I told Becks the Pepper story, and she did not know that you even drank it
        Greg [8:35 AM]: i gave it up when i went back to soda. remember i gave up soda when i went on that crash diet
        Marika [8:36 AM]: oh yeah.. you drank PROTEIN!
        Marika [8:36 AM]: but Pepsi is sweeter then Coke
        Greg [8:37 AM]: so my taste changed. dr pepper was way too sweet when i went back to it
        Marika [8:37 AM]: ahh … but why not Coke
        Greg [8:37 AM]: coke gives me heartburn, too acidic
        Marika[8:38 AM]: well .. who knew! Thank you.. we were pondering… I said perhaps you were concerned that Paul would Purloin your Pepper
        Gregh121 [8:39 AM]: nah he only drinks diet–

    1. I told you those pictures of Rutlie looked like Guinness. She looks like a lab puppy, sort of, but she’s a full-grown dog.

      (And she doesn’t really drink Dr. Pepper.)

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