The Test Dog

A week and four days into Tim’s accepting Rex the Dog into The Compound on a trial basis, we are still having pack issues. Guinness adored him and then she didn’t. Margot hasn’t adored him yet. Sometimes, by accident, she will almost play with him, and then she turns into something resembling that dog/beast thing that was in the first Ghostbusters movie.

I know that this will work out with time, but I feel bad for all the dogs because Rex just wants to be that crazy friend who’s always saying, “Can we play? Can we play now? Can we? Huh? Huh? Can we play?” And these two old ladies are being all cranky with him, which is not their usual nature. (My usual nature, yes. But not theirs.)

Here are some things I like about Rex.

He’s perky. This can be so annoying in a person and endearing in a dog. He hops and bounces and prances his way through life.

He is never in a bad mood. Even when he sighs, it’s a sigh of contentment.

When Tim leaves to run an errand, Rex feels it deeply. He stands patiently for, oh, about 15 seconds, then he walks to a window and stares out. Then he stands in the middle of the room and his gaze darts from window to window. Then he sits, because he knows this is always a crowd-pleaser. If he sits long enough, he’s sure Tim will return and praise him. Then he flings himself to the floor, having abandoned all hope. But at the first noise that indicates Tim is back, his entire body becomes rigid with anticipation.

He will suddenly move quickly through the house like he just remembered something vitally important that he promised to do.

He expresses himself with his ears. When he’s really keyed up, they stick straight up. Sometimes they extend to the sides. Most of the time they’re floppy, though.

He’s a noisy farter, and sometimes he pretends like it didn’t happen, but sometimes he looks back at his butt like, “Was that ME?”

His nose is not just for sniffing. He prefers the more tactile nose-bonking means of exploration. He bonks people. Furniture. The floor. And Margot and Guinness, who do not even slightly approve of nose-bonking.

He doesn’t beg for food.

When he’s excited, he talks to Tim.

He rolls on his back and plays with a toy with his mouth and his front paws. This is unbearably cute.

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