Veterans Day

Since it’s Veterans Day, I’m going to go ahead and post about Jane Fonda’s book even though I planned to wait until after I finished it. Which I almost have.

Veterans happen to mean a lot to me for personal reasons. Contrary to what the lunatic fringe would have us believe, not supporting a war–particularly a war that makes every cell of your body scream with outrage–has nothing to do with not supporting the people who get stuck fighting in one.

I have long thought that much of the venom directed at Jane Fonda came as much from being perceived as the rebellious daughter of a greatly loved actor as anything else. Throw in the fact that she was a woman with an opinion, a celebrity, and that she made some missteps and had a smear campaign directed at her (helped covertly by our government), and things were bound to go wrong.

I have truly enjoyed her book, especially getting to read her account of her interaction with veterans. Probably the people who hate her and lie about her will continue to do so and won’t read her book. I guess that’s much easier than doing what so many vets have done: taking the time to meet with her and understand her motives and her intentions. She shares some powerful moments from those meetings.

It’s hard to be hated for standing up for what you believe. Maybe it’s even harder to do it and be misunderstood. There are all kinds of battlefields, but fortunately, there are also all kinds of bravery. Today, I honor all the brave.

One thought on “Veterans Day”

  1. Contrary to what the lunatic fringe would have us believe, not supporting a war–particularly a war that makes every cell of your body scream with outrage–has nothing to do with not supporting the people who get stuck fighting in one.

    Hear, hear! Well said, Becky.

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