Guest Room

I can feel that I’m starting to get sick. It’s inevitable. So many people I work with are sick. But it’s also a matter of our constantly fluctuating temperatures and weather and the fact that we have no insulation in the bottom half of our house to keep out the heat or cold. I’m working hard to hold whatever it is at bay with rest and fluids and good food, but I can feel it lurking.

This reminds me of another time I was sick and moved into the guest room for a few nights so I wouldn’t disturb Tom as I coughed or got in and out of bed several times a night. I was also away from little dogs pushing me around in bed and disturbing my sleep. I set up my laptop so I could work or watch movies in bed, and our foster at that time, Thomas, was the only dog allowed to join me.

This is what that guest room looks like post-flood. Not really an escape option these days!

The bed is in storage. The green chair is at the upholstery shop to be repaired and reupholstered. And Thomas now naps in the home of his forever family. He’s a great dog.

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