12 thoughts on “Snoopy Saturday!”

  1. There was a point in my past when i knew a few Johns. These were: Sir John, Miss John, Princess John, Hans (artistic John), Little John and Asshole John, and they all lived inthe same corner of the state. I will leave it as an exercise for you to figure out friend or foe and why. Also, there was Jeff Senior and Jeff Junior (no relation, but they were only a few years apart.

      1. And there waa akso a Mohawk John, who insisted that blue hair is natural. He’s got a phd too, so now he’s Doctor John.

  2. I honestly can’t think of any.

    I know then kids have a friend called Ginger Dave – presumably to distinguish him from the other (non-ginger) friends in their lives..?

    1. I had a friend in high school who had a knack for giving people nicknames that captured their personalities or played off their real names. Not in a mean way. I still remember so many of those nicknames.

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