Windows, No. 2

We’ve recently switched our thermostat from air conditioning to heat. A couple of times since, I’ve heard this odd, part musical, part moaning sound late at night and tried to determine if it’s coming from the furnace.

In looking through my photos, I found one of several stuffed owls (cropped to a single owl in the above photo). It occurred to me that maybe what I’m hearing is an owl. Tom said he’s seen one recently near The Compound. Of course, now that I want to hear the noise, I haven’t heard a damn thing.

This window display reminded me of another book I think might be interesting: The Stuffed Owl: An Anthology of Bad Verse. Because, as certain characters in a novel called The Deal could tell you, mocking bad poetry is a good time.

Windows, No. 1

Beginning my own new photo series with a theme of windows. This photo:

has led me to this book, which I think I really must own: Eating Her Wedding Dress: A Collection of Clothing Poems, edited by Vasiliki Katsarou, Ruth O’Toole, and Ellen Foos. Description: One hundred contemporary poets—local stars and literary luminaries such as Kim Addonizio, Margaret Atwood, Billy Collins, Elaine Equi, Jorie Graham, Maxine Kumin, Paul Muldoon, and Charles Simic—join together in this anthology to celebrate clothing in its many forms and functions: as desire, as ghost, as body, as poetry, as talisman, as transformer of the soul.