30 Days of Creativity: Day 16

For around ten thousand years, or at least since 2002, I’ve used this tiny sketch pad (approximately 5.5 x 4 inches) to make simple line drawings of things I see in Montrose or around The Compound. There really aren’t that many sketches in it because I keep forgetting I have it. Whenever I find it again, I’m always surprised by how much I enjoy looking back at the sketches and vow to do more of them.

Here’s the first new one I’ve done in two years:


We’re having the best weather day in Houston. Cool, breezy, sunny. Supposedly we’re in for a brutal summer, so this is something to enjoy while it’s here. I’d love to be outside pruning my azaleas, but it’s also nice not to sneeze and want to claw out my itchy eyes, so…

The dogs of Green Acres are visiting for the weekend. Here, Minute and Sparky wander,
while Paco suns himself.

Last night, Margot and Guinness got baths and new, colorful collars, which you can almost see here.

In the random department, my friend Alan tweeted that today is DABD–or Draw A Bird Day. And Shawn tweeted that it’s also One Day Without Shoes, to raise awareness of the difference a pair of shoes can make in a kid’s life. I decided to combine the two days into my drawing.

Have a great day!