Tiny Tuesday!

Many mornings, I stand at my kitchen sink and watch through the window as the bumblebees drink from the ruellia blossoms. So when I saw this in the Tiny Book of Tiny Pleasures, it seemed like a good prompt to get a bumblebee picture.

Periodically all this morning, I went to the window on bumblebee watch. If I saw any, I hurried outside with my camera. Look, I know we’re all supposed to be worried about bees and the planet, but I need to tell you, bees are assholes. Or maybe just camera-shy assholes. Because whenever I got there: no bumblebees. Here’s proof.

Not a bee.

Not a bee.

Not a bee.

Similar to previous not a bee, but still not a bee.

Similar to first not a bee, and also not a bee.

Almost bumblebee in color, yet decidedly not a bee.

They are all tiny, however. So they’ve been blogged.

Tiny Tuesday!

My infatuation with dachshunds began with my first one at age five, Dopey. I’ve since had three purebred dachshunds and several mixes, and they remain among my favorites. I found this in a box of old stuff when I repacked after the flood. I don’t know if it was a gift, or whether it came to me in high school or later. But when all the other stuff comes back to the house from storage, this dachshund will finally be among friends on the dog shelf instead of packed away. Welcome home, little one.

Tiny Tuesday!

This is our last week with tiny ten-pound Lucy. She travels on Thursday. She has made amazing progress during her time with us. She’s still timid, but she plays hard with other dogs, plays alone with toys, finally started getting on the bed to say hello, takes treats willingly, and has no snappy behavior and isn’t defensive about food. She’s a self-sufficient and socialized girl, and we love her so much. Can’t wait to know she’s in her forever home!

Two weeks later, ETA: It appears that Lucy has been adopted!