Legacy Writing 365:348

‘Nathan, Anna, and John–all booksellers–decided to read A Coventry Christmas again this season, a chapter a day. They’ve Tweeted back and forth to one another about it, and ‘Nathan has been blogging it–the book has actually found new readers thanks to this–as well as enticing some former readers back. I think it has something to do with the retail storyline in the book, but regardless, I’m beyond flattered. Also, though it’s been years since I’ve read any book I had a hand in writing, there were times I didn’t remember plot points they were discussing, so I spent a few hours reading it again. That led me to reread A Coventry Wedding. I don’t think I ever read it after publication other than a quick survey to check for errors. There’s a sadness that runs through that book, and through its character Jandy, even though it’s a romance. It was where I put some of the sadness of things going on in my life during that time. I do find that I still love Keelie and Jandy, but Jandy hurts my heart a little.

‘Nathan and I play Draw Something on our phones. Well, HE plays on his iPad, and I pretend that it’s his larger drawing surface that enables him to send me masterpieces while I send him stick figures. The other night, he had the word “book” to draw for me, and he did this:

Not bad, huh? By comparison, I once had to draw “novel” in Draw Something for Timmy. I don’t think ‘Nathan has much competition, frankly.

To get back on topic: On ‘Nathan’s most recent blog entry about ACC, he shared his cover drawing, and Lisa in Iowa decided to poke me with a stick and tell him she thought that cover would have been better if the author name were “Betsy Cochrane.” Of course, she’s referring to the panel I moderated at Saints and Sinners, when this happened:

Now y’all know I’m accustomed to being called Betsy, Betty, Peggy, and Debby. But at least I always knew one thing would be right. When we were asked to come up with a single author pseudonym for the four writers who collaborate on the TJB novels–Timothy, Timothy, Jim, and Becky–the name Timothy James Beck made perfect sense. We were all included. It was an easy name, and lots of authors use three names, so it wasn’t weird to say or remember.

Or you wouldn’t think so. When we received the ARC (advance reader copy) of He’s the One, our second novel, we all loved the cover. And then we turned it over…

Notice anything wrong?

Fortunately, the real cover was fine, and I was no longer Black (for no apparent reason).