once again, it’s always about time

When we saw The Last Jedi in the theater, we also saw the previews for A Wrinkle in Time. I really want to see this movie, and I’ve never read the book. Neither has Lynne, so I picked up copies for us so we could read it before seeing the movie.

Life and work keep getting in the way, and I haven’t started it. I REFUSE to delay this so long that I don’t get to see the movie in the theater. Someone needs to hold me to this.

weather and water and weasleys

We are having a below-freezing cold snap in Houston while I’m sick. The cold froze one of our pipes, and we have no hot water. It’s okay. I’m snuggled in bed and have been rereading the Harry Potter books. I asked Tom to get a photo with my phone for Instagram, and only you guys also get the outtakes.

Attempt 1:

Anime looks unsettled, Delta isn’t sure where she wants to be, and Jack is sort of out of sight on Tom’s pillows.

Attempt 2:

Anime’s still trying to get comfy, Delta’s giving Tom the stink-eye, but Jack is creeping into the photo now.

Attempt 3:

Anime is clearly worried that Jack is blocking our view of Delta.

FINALLY, the one that made it to Instagram. They’re all listening in their own way.

World AIDS Day

This photo was the runner up to my Photo Friday “Twilight” theme. The red ribbon on the jacket of Eclipse has always reminded me of the years and years I made and handed out red ribbon pins to coworkers, friends, and strangers. This year, the red ribbon is packed away in storage. The newsletters I used to write, and the blog posts I used to publish, about HIV and AIDS are no longer necessary because if you are already using the Internet, you can find all the local resources and global information you want or need at your fingertips.

But for those of us with longer and more personal memories, this never stops being a day to reflect on those lost, hope for the best for those who still struggle, and feel gratitude for those who stay well thanks to the efforts and sometimes downright fury of the ones who went before them.

The theme of World AIDS Day this year is “Increasing Impact through Transparency, Accountability, and Partnerships.” One of many things AIDS/HIV has taught us is that we are stronger together, and that we must never be silent in the face of catastrophe. AIDS/HIV transcends borders, politics, race, religious belief, gender, sexuality, age, and national origin, and so must we in eradicating it.

And for the ones I love still–Steve R, Jeff C, John M, and Tim R–I continue to wear my red ribbon pin each year on December 1 in honor of them.

And then there were none…

Donna Leon is a New Yorker who has lived and worked all over the world and now makes her home in Venice, locale for her Commisario Guido Brunetti books.

Have I ever talked about these books and how much I love them? I was at one of Louise Penny’s booksignings years ago when someone sitting next to me said that if I liked Penny’s mysteries, I would surely like Donna Leon’s.

I downloaded one to my Nook, read it, then began downloading them S-L-O-W-L-Y. There were so many, but I knew if I devoured them the way I wanted to, there would be none left to read. So I savored them over YEARS. And now I have finally come to the last of them on my battered little Nook.

I love the books for her characters and for her ambiguity both in those characters’ choices and the novels’ plots. Sometimes the endings don’t offer tidy resolutions, but where Brunetti may not always deliver justice, he is unwavering in his compassion toward those who have suffered.

I guess there’s nothing left to do but reread these until she publishes another.

A man and his sleuthing dog

Tonight there was a booksigning and gathering for fans of Dudley, the dog who’s the writer of The Dudley Files for Cary Robinson. At least that’s who Cary says writes this series. I think maybe he’s being modest, the same way he’d be if he knew I was praising him for all he does for Houston’s Homeless Animals. He is a hero for the voiceless, and many is the dog I’ve photographed on transport day because Cary became a passionate advocate for his or her rescue. Tom volunteers with him at BARC, and that only scratches the surface of all the time Cary donates to shelters and rescue organizations. Dudley contributes, too, from the sale of his books.

I was really disappointed that I didn’t get to attend this event, but I’m doing some software training this week that’s kicking my butt. Eventually, it will make my job more efficient and maybe even allow me some free time other than in the middle of the night when actually, I’d just as soon sleep.

Tom was able to go and brought home the third book of The Dudley Files, SOUL HEELER, so I’m about to curl up and enjoy some reading time before I fall asleep.

Poet’s Day

August 21 is Poet’s Day. I was going to pull some of my favorites from the shelves, except then I felt I was slighting others, and all of them are brilliant to me for different reasons.

So off the top of my head and in no particular order,


Who are your favorite poets?