And now I don’t remember what that post was.
So, a post full of random:
W. H. Auden was born on this day in 1907. Of all the poetry by Auden that I’ve read, why is it that the only lines I can ever remember are the ones that were quoted so touchingly in Four Weddings and a Funeral?
I tried to early vote today, but the lines were too long. Apparently, it’s going to stay that way, which is good, that people are so engaged. I decided it was okay to try again another day because I’d also forgotten my cheat sheet which tells me who’s who and what’s what in the local elections. However, just so you know, in the big primary race, I’m voting for Hillary, and I’m not ashamed to say so. Smart women with vision and ambition make me feel good. They’re the kind of women who got other women the vote in the first place, and I don’t take that for granted for a moment. I’m a Gore person and an Edwards person, but I have no trouble being a Hillary person since my guys aren’t running.
I was going to make chicken and dressing tonight. Midway into food prep, while on the phone with Denece, I remembered that I have no oven. But the new stove comes tomorrow. ::BIG STUPID SMILE::
The laptop and I are being abducted by a generous friend at the beginning of next week. Mr. Laptop and I will be putting the finishing touches on the last chapters of A COVENTRY WEDDING in beautiful New Orleans. I hope Greg and Marika haven’t used up ALL the inspiration that floats on the air there.
Speaking of Greg, have any of you ever played 1000 Blank White Cards? Here’s one of the cards that was made when Tom, Tim, Mark, Lisa, Rhonda, Lindsey and I played one night.
I got a massage today, and the massage therapist did some trigger point work on me in all the most necessary places. Now I’m sore in a good way and chugging water.
The weather is dreary. It’s hard to get motivated. I just want to lie in bed and read. Today I went to Tim’s for a while and only wanted to lie on his couch and babble, which made Rex huffy. The dog has about ten favorite sleeping spots in the TimLair, but heaven forbid I take the one he wants at that moment. I sort of understand why he resents it, however, since everybody else wants to be in his luxurious crate all the time and he always shares.
To thwart the weather and my dull mood… Look! Another photo of two hot guys!
And psst, David, hanging on the baker’s rack in the lower left–it’s the poison cup.