Happy news!

Yesterday I worked for several hours to continue my “Canvas to Couture” series. I’m glad I haven’t been neglecting it, because I received confirmation that I will indeed be showing my work at the original Barnaby’s (in Montrose on Fairview) during the month of August. Here’s a little peek at four additional ones, now completed:

Unrelated: Do you think the old, wrinkly raisins are jealous of the fresh, pretty blueberries?


Here’s my new iced coffee glass (plastic, actually, with a screw-on lid). Looks like something that I’d buy for Lila’s mom Laura, but I’m really keeping it. In other news, getting one of these glasses with their built-in hard plastic straws lets me know how often I bite or chew on a regular straw. Gotta stop that.

Nothing is better for thee, than me

Oatmeal with some banana slices, a pat of butter, and a dusting of cinnamon.
I don’t usually drink juice, but since there was no sugar on my oatmeal, I indulged in a small glass of apple juice.

My title is the old Quaker Oats slogan. From slashfood.com, some Wednesday trivia for you:

The Quaker Oats Quaker…was not modeled after a particular member of the Religious Society of Friends but was an advertising synthesis–trademarked in 1877 as “a figure of a man in Quaker garb.” The Quaker…became the first registered trademark for cereal. Why a Quaker? Original owners Henry Seymour and William Henson said Quakers stood for purity, honesty and good value.

She finally caught up to me

Almost six years ago, I blogged that Brad Pitt sent me e-mail. His then-estranged-wife Jennifer Aniston has finally caught up to me, and today I received email from her. She only wanted to talk about pilates, though. I’m not opening her email until she promises me a 1.5 million dollar inheritance from some dead notable person in Africa. I used to hope for only a hundred thousand dollars, but my sister told me it wouldn’t be enough for me.

There can be good stuff on Monday

Recently I seem to be waking up more often with a little headache. It goes away as the day progresses, but still–it messes with my enjoyment of starting a day. This morning I ran errands early, and since I knew it was already going to be a day that I’d treat myself to the BACON breakfast when I came home, I decided to double my pleasure:

Ah, Starbucks, maybe your caffeine will help the headache.
Along with the drugs that will probably knock me out for an hour or so.

When I went outside to shoot today’s Magnetic Poetry poem (to be posted later), I got a nice little surprise. It’s not often I have camera in hand and such a close-up view. Enjoy!

It’s raining!

Finally. We got a little bit of it yesterday, mostly a light drizzle for a while, but right now, it’s REAL rain. And thunder. Which means that some quivering little thing has tucked herself into the smallest space possible between my feet and my desk.

Poor Margot.

Today’s breakfast wasn’t very exciting, but it was healthy. I even got it FROM the health food aisle. Raisin bran with half a banana added. Longtime readers may wonder why Mark G. Harris never provided photos with HIS updates.

Do banana slices look like they have little emoticons on them to anyone else?