Tiny Tuesday!

Sometimes when people ask me questions, I like to give them Magic 8 Ball answers.

While in a local Target, I asked a manager if they sold Magic 8 Ball and he and another associate had to do some searching, but they found one for me. So now I’ll be able to actually consult it before I give my answers. But they’ll never be as good as this made-up answer for dating sites:

ETA: Also added to Numbers Photo Series, No. 7.

Life Purpose

from Rachelle Charman’s Chakra Reading Cards

Some of us learn our life purpose early. Either we are drawn to it, or we are guided to it. I would say in my case both, and I’ve never wavered in knowing what it is and who I need to be to serve it.

Every experience, every triumph, every mistake, every person and place–they have all been part of it.

This does not mean that it has been without fear and false starts.

Here are a very few words from the card’s description:

It is our birthright to walk our path…ask yourself what it is that you love to do…what brings your heart joy…fear is a natural part…and is often created when you hold yourself back…

Be brave for yourself.