Photo Friday, No. 54

This week’s Photo Friday theme: Vacation.

About this photo:

April of 2001 in Houston was the first time that the four writers who make up the Timothy James Beck team were all together in the same place after having known each other for nearly four years. We did work that week–we were asked to write a sitcom script–but It Had to Be You was already with the publisher and we hadn’t yet firmed up He’s the One, so it was also a vacation. We laughed in a way that we’d never be able to laugh again when we were all together, because that fall, everything would change.

I love all the photos from that Texas gathering, but this one of Timothy Forry, taken while we were all goofing off at Niko Niko’s, is one of my favorites because he’s giving me a little attitude.

Photo Friday, No. 48

Photo Friday Theme: Purity

Best. Water. Ever.
In glass bottles.
On a hot day in New York City.

As advertised, “VOSS Artesian Water is amongst the purest waters in the world. Taken from a virgin aquifer shielded for centuries under ice and rock in the untouched wilderness of central Norway.” And: “Voss is recommended to accompany fine wines and food and is the closest thing to pure H2O on the planet. A sip of Voss is like drinking fresh air.”