Current Photo Friday theme: Glass
Jeannie knows other reasons glass houses are not a good idea.
Another find from the estate sale Lynne directed me to a while back.
Who goes there? Please leave comments so (An Aries Knows)!
Current Photo Friday theme: Glass
Jeannie knows other reasons glass houses are not a good idea.
Another find from the estate sale Lynne directed me to a while back.
Current Photo Friday theme: Warm
There are so many inspirations and memories on the walls in my office. The wall behind my desk is my Muse Wall, and the wall behind the other desk–I guess that’s Muse Adjacent, though there are some heavy hitters on that wall in terms of who has influenced my writing and thinking.
It was definitely a Houston summer night in June 1993 when Tom and I saw Warren Zevon. He signed a CD cover for me, “For Becky. Very hot, Warren Zevon.” It lives on the Muse Adjacent Wall.
I read a review of Paul McCartney on the Freshen Up tour in which the reviewer said someone needs to tell him to stop–you see, his voice isn’t as strong as it used to be. Needless to say, I was not amused. The man just turned 77 and he kicks ass. Rock and roll, Sir Paul, rock and roll, even if they have to wheel you out, even if your voice is a whisper. You are Paul Fucking McCartney and your music changed the world.
When I was telling Tom about that review, he talked about what a different depth Warren Zevon’s voice had on his last album. Zevon knew it was his last, he was dealing with lung cancer. The Wind was released two weeks before his death. I compared it to the emotional power of Johnny Cash’s last work.
The audacity of thinking anyone shouldn’t do what they love as long as they can do it, and share it with the world if that’s what they want to do. If you want perfection, limit yourself to whatever you think that was. I’m grateful to listen to the voices of my inspirations for their whole journey. It’s all real.
Current Photo Friday theme: Small
A few weeks ago, Lynne sent me a link to an estate sale in the Heights. It began on Thursday–a transport morning–so I wasn’t there early enough to get the doll I really wanted. But who doesn’t love Lucy and her tiny bottle of Vitameatavegamin? Bonus: Dress is Houndstooth.
Current Photo Friday theme: Park
The only park I care about ON THIS DATE, Globe Life Park in Arlington, Texas. Home of the Texas Rangers and tonight, site where I will be enjoying Paul McCartney IN CONCERT. My first concert with a former Beatle ever. And you’ll be hearing about it for weeks when I have time to remember and celebrate it in bits and pieces.
Current Photo Friday theme: Red
Current Photo Friday theme: Beach
Current Photo Friday theme: Reflection
These buildings are always looking at themselves. So vain.
Current Photo Friday theme: Perspective
Current Photo Friday theme: Bird
Current Photo Friday theme: Blue