Tiny Tuesday!

Tiny selfie sisters.

Ah, the selfie. Will this be a notable or regrettable advance that twenty-first century technology brought us? Once everyone from kindergarten-age up had the ability to use a phone camera and reverse it, selfies became ubiquitous. The WORST development was possibly brought about by Miley Cyrus, who could not keep her tongue in her mouth when a camera was pointed her way. I’ve seen enough protruding tongues from ‘tween and teen and twenty-somethings (who should know better) that I felt like I needed a glass jar of tongue depressors next to me and a compulsion to bark, “Say aaaaahhh.”

Camera self-portraits were a lot harder in previous decades, unless you had a good camera with a timer, and back then, you had to focus the damn thing on something approximately where you’d be before you ran to the spot and sat for 15 seconds feeling like an idiot while you tried and retried different facial expressions and smiles or poses.

I don’t know that this 1983 shot was a self-portrait, but judging by my memory of the room I was in, the photographer would have had to be standing where my dresser was. So I think I stuck the camera on said dresser, set the timer, and darted to my bed to sit down. Then waited until I could afford to have the film developed before I sent the photo to whoever wrote and asked for a photo. I can’t believe there was ever anyone in my life who wanted photos of me, but it happened, and I can think of two of them immediately. One has since died and one disappeared long ago. My photos may have sinister powers. There’s a book in that.

These days, you just open your text messages or social media accounts and say, “Oh, good, another photo of Aunt Edie and her (fill in pet species of choice).”

When I saw today’s idol challenge, I was relatively sure I’d never seen a photo of Dennis taking his own photograph, though I saw plenty of photos of him holding a camera. I think he liked shooting pictures.

I certainly would have liked shooting pictures of him.

(still looking for copyright attribution)

(still looking for copyright attribution)

© Michael Ochs before Hollywood Bowl concert, 1965

The photo below is among my favorites and is at least Dennis looking at himself while he plays (privately, not publicly) and is aware he’s being photographed by a friend. It’ll do.

September 21 — Selfie ©Ed Roach

Mood: Monday

This is a photo from 2007 when people still smoked at The Compound, but damn if I know who smoked Marlboro Lights (ETA: Steve C). I’m using it to show that I’m in a creative mood.

I have a friend Sharon (I know her in real life, not only online) who in addition to being a dog rescuer/foster/adopter and an all-round great human, also collects tiny Blythe dolls. She stages them in engaging photo shoots with clothes and accessories she’s made herself, in dioramas she decorates with all matter of things she makes or buys. She’s one of my most fun Instagram follows at this account, if you’d like to see her creative dolls and animals and objects on such a tiny scale that I’m in awe.

I’ve sewn for dolls at 1:6 scale for years, and right now, I want to sew clothes for the child dolls who are part of my Neverending Saga families. They’re so small that I’m not sure I’m up to the challenge or the amount of time it may take when I have so much writing to do. However, I also do creative things like coloring or painting when I want to think about what I’m writing, so maybe sewing clothes for these little ones will help inspire me to write the lives of their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

I’ve never believed there are people who have no creative urge. Even busy people or people whose circumstances don’t lend themselves to creating have that spark. But they are afraid or think they have no talent or have been conditioned to believe that art is only as worthy as its utility (e.g., do other people like it? does anyone want to read/see/hear/taste/enjoy it? does it make money?).

What if creating is for YOU ONLY? What if it makes you feel happy for a while? What if it nourishes you in any way at all? Is that not enough? Seriously, are you not enough?

I think you are.

This is a conversation I have with myself often, because I can access a lifetime of negative and hurtful comments about my creative endeavors. It’s just something I have to shut down. One way I know I was fortunate is that I was ALWAYS encouraged to be creative, by my parents, a few teachers, some friends, and my wonderful Uncle Gerald. If you were never encouraged that way, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO CREATE. What is that thing you wish for? That secret yearning to learn an instrument, sketch something you love in nature, write a poem, learn to needlepoint, carve a piece of wood, master a culinary creation… It’s time to start and it’s MORE than okay to do it only for you, only for your own enjoyment, and if anyone else likes/loves/appreciates/praises it, that’s a bonus.

The Beach Boys began because two young brothers liked to sing together and they made their more boisterous brother join in because they wanted his voice for their harmonies. They had a father who was a frustrated songwriter and a mother who came from a musical family. When they formed a band and came up with a sound, success came early. Maybe too early for their own good, considering their losses, challenges, and tragedies. But those three brothers, including the one who had to be dragged along, had creativity that couldn’t be denied. What began so simply became a gift to the world. Even if they aren’t a band to your taste, millions of people still love their music, still follow their careers, still marvel at them, still consider their story with joy and heartache.

It all began with a working class family of five who loved music.

September 20 — With family © unknown
Back row: Brian with parents Audree and Murry
Front row: Carl and Dennis

Button Sunday

There’s a chapter in the first book of the Neverending Saga that I had fun writing because the character doesn’t know how to tie a necktie and later, he has to get help from an unexpected source with a bowtie. Whether or not they like wearing it, I think all my characters look sexy in formalwear.

September 19 — In black ©Chris Walter

I believe this is from the American Music Awards in 1976.

Friday Fan-day

I’ll share a few photos from today’s idol challenge category.

September 17 — With fans ©Joel Muhvic

Signing autographs when Pacific Ocean Blue came out. Likely this photo is from Ed Roach, but I’m not sure.

Dennis with Al, Brian, and Carl (Mike is behind Al, facing away from the camera) ©Michael Ochs

ETA: Scrolling back through these, something I love about this photo is DW’s footwear compared to the rest of the guys. So Dennis.

Do you want to dance?

This commercial from the Sixties:

I share it because today is the anniversary of my father’s birth. My parents were both good dancers, and one time I caught him testing out the “Teaberry Shuffle.” Or at least I thought that’s what I saw. He seemed skeptical.

Back to this:


September 16 — Dancing ©Domenic Priore

And I leave you with Dennis getting the lead on an early tune.

Difficult, but I chose only one two

ETA: The videos/gifs I posted disappeared (likely due to copyrights), so I’ll put a YouTube video on here that contains some of the gifs I like. It’ll probably disappear, too, one day. Sorry.

[original post}
It would make me happy to put every gif I can find here. Unfortunately, one that might have been my favorite disappeared from Al Gore’s Internet, no doubt because of copyright infringement. This one is, well… Words fail me.

September 15 — Favorite gif ©Ed Roach

Ed and Dennis were shooting promotional film for his first solo album Pacific Ocean Blue, I believe. Note the movie title on the clapboard (it’s also what he’s saying). 🙂 What you don’t see is Dennis throwing the clapboard off to the side at the end (unless I’m making that up–I’ve seen A LOT of stuff preparing for these thirty days). When the photographer and the talent are best friends, there will be shenanigans. [end of original post]

[edits to original post] Okay, what the heck, one more of young Dennis in the recording studio.


ETA: Coming back long after the fact to add this YouTube video, because within it is the clip that is my favorite but is no longer available as a gif, but also, this shows Dennis throwing away the clapboard which I’d mentioned was missing in the gif I posted. The song playing is Dennis’s “Holy Man,” which later had words written and vocals added by the fantastic Taylor Hawkins.

[end of edits to original post]

Tiny Tuesday!

Back in business with the return of the Internet to Houndstooth Hall. I’m not complaining that losing electricity for ten hours, losing cable for twenty-one hours, and having scattered leaf and small limb debris is what Hurricane Nicholas delivered. Trust me, no one knows better than I do how it can be worse.

Favorite movie? There’s only one ****, but that’s one more than most drummers appear in as an actor.

September 14 — Favorite movie ©Universal Pictures

The Car who starred in 1971’s Two Lane Blacktop was a 1955 Chevy Sedan, and in honor of Tiny Tuesday, I modified what I could find at Walgreen’s, a tiny 1957 Chevy Bel Air. To give it a rough paint job similar to The Car’s, I blended charcoal, periwinkle, hunter green, sky blue, hippo grey, and ocean reef blue paints. Not an exact match, but just open the door to your imagination, and you can see The Driver and The Mechanic (aka, my Muse) putting in the miles before their next race.

Well I’m not bragging, babe
So don’t put me down
But I’ve got the fastest set of wheels in town
When something comes up to me, he don’t even try
‘Cause if I had a set of wings, man, I know she could fly

ETA: **** How did I forget the beach movies?!? Dennis appears with the band in both of these, and I think there may have been another.

Film opening includes the Beach Boys with Annette.

Beach Boys appear at end of credits. At the very end of the song, Dennis has lines.

Another from Girls on the Beach

Third BB song from Girls on the Beach.

Mood: Monday

Yep, another rainy day Monday. This is not the same weather we’ll be getting later when Tropical Storm Nicholas promises to dump significant water on us. We’re watching the property to make sure everything’s draining, so when the heavier rains come, they have a quicker path to the bayou. Instead of the bayou finding a quick path back to us. If that seems likely, we start moving things upward from floor level inside the house.

How can I improve my Monday mood? Simple.

September 13 — Singing ©Chris Walter, 1979

If you ever saw him or the band perform, if there were no drumsticks in his hands, or his hands weren’t busy on a keyboard, and a mic was in front of him, the hand against the ear is one of the most familiar sights of your memories. The hair length and color might change. The beard might come and go. The clothes changed over the decades. But the hand on the ear: That was forever.