Even websites get the blues

There’s been a lot of activity around Houndstooth Hall for the past few days: plumbers, electricians, and utility company inspectors coming and going. This has kept the dogs riled up. I did manage to make a traditional New Year’s Day good luck and prosperity meal, this time with ham, biscuits (Tom made), steamed broccoli, turnip greens, and black-eyed peas.

The dogs violently spoke out about these strangers all over the property, and my brain couldn’t possibly have written in such an environment. I did manage to get a new banner with events, people, and dogs from 2024 on here. I also did something long overdue (not done since 2022) and cleaned up the original Timothy James Beck website. There were broken links, strange coding characters messing up pages, some pages even had our OLD P.O. Box address (and I’ve had the current one for around ten years). The author photo collages were so outdated that I deleted them–basically, the site was a hot mess.

I picked this banner photo from the TJB site because it has two very blue covers–my week’s theme color–three, if you count the cover we always called “Adam Wilson’s denim-clad ass.”

I know some HTML code thanks to this site, but there were things I had to research, and I managed to learn new tricks and fix the invasive and bad code. I hope it’s all correct and up-to-date now. There’s a page on the site with reviews and quotes from readers. I haven’t read any of that in years, and when I did, it gave me quite a lift.

I told Tim and Jim from now on, when I start feeling like I haven’t done much, I need to treat that page on the site like a scene from the movie Soapdish. Sally Field’s character Maggie, a daytime drama actress, would go with the show’s head writer Rose (played by Whoopi Goldberg) to a mall in New Jersey. Rose would pretend to “notice” Maggie and start fan-girling, which would make people in the crowd stop, stare, recognize, and rush Maggie for autographs, telling her how much they loved her and her show’s character, “Celeste Talbert,” and it would help Maggie emerge from her funk.

Since I snagged the TJB banner from one of my Flickr albums (related to book publicity), I also noticed this blue-dominant photo to share again. It includes Mattel’s Summer doll, who I bought in 2008 (on a shopping trip either before or after an amazing dinner Lynne treated me to) specifically to publicize this book. Summer (named Jandy in the novel) started a whole world of sewing, top modeling, Mattel Model Muse doll buying, and the Runway Monday series on LiveJournal.

You never know when another muse may come along, as I was reminded today. But that’s a story for another time. =)

Today was our Christmas celebration

We had a great Christmas today! The company we keep:

Debby, Timothy, Tom, and me.

Today’s menu:
Roast beef cooked with potatoes and carrots (and gravy), along with fresh green beans, fresh broccoli, and rolls.

Dessert was Tom’s German chocolate birthday cake, which Anime (lower left) got absolutely none of.

Then came the frenzy of gift giving which I think left everyone happy. Of course, some of my gifts will show up here sooner or later. In the meantime, I owe a photo for the “snow” theme.

Since it isn’t snowing here (though we did get a lot of rain today), here’s a throwback photo of me bundled up in thermal underwear, jeans, a shirt, a hooded sweatshirt, and a jacket, in what is probably my favorite snow day memory with friends–except for later having that red VW surgically removed from my head. College was hard.

Food and foolishness

Today, The Brides joined Tom, Debby, Timothy, and me for a fun brunch of pancakes (some plain; some with blueberries), fresh fruits, bacon, scrambled eggs, and coffee. This gave us the opportunity to hand Lindsey my camera so she could shoot a lot of photos in hopes that one will go out with our Christmas and holiday cards this year. I’m way behind on that task, but now that I have photos to choose from, I can take care of it.

We had so much fun talking and eating. Jack always sequesters at Debby’s to keep him away from Tim, and this time Delta decided to hang out with Jack (she loves Debby’s guest chair and thinks it belongs to her). That worked out, because sometimes Delta gets testy with Pollock, and since Pepper couldn’t come with Rhonda and Lindsey this time (she recently had some surgery–all is well!–but she’s on crate rest still), Pollock could join us with Tim (like Jack and Tim, Pollock and Pepper are a pair best kept separated, in their case because they amp up each other’s energy too much with the possibility of things ending in tears).

The second Rhonda and Lindsey came through the door, I was all, “YAY! You just gave me my Saturday purple-themed photo!” It’s Rhonda’s usual hair color shade, but this time, Lindsey’s was also purple, in a slightly more muted shade.

We hope we’ll all be together again soon. =)

Purple is for birthdays

Happy birthday to Mark, far away in England. I had an extra cake layer in the freezer, so I defrosted and gave it purple candles so everyone at the Hall can have a slice to celebrate you this evening.

Today is the day our nephew Aaron was born in 1993. Because he often came to see us, he had his own napkin ring among those I painted for family and friends who visited The Compound and shared meals with us. Every wooden ring was painted a different color, and Aaron’s is purple. It’s kept in one of the display cabinets in the Houndstooth Hall living room. We will love and miss Aaron always.

Aaron and Tom in February 2011 celebrating Debby’s birthday along with her, David, Geri, and Timothy.

Mindful Monday

Oxytocin is a natural hormone made in the brain. It’s stored and released into the blood stream by the pituitary gland.

Other suggestions to boost oxytocin include yoga, massage, listening to music, physical intimacy, meditation, and doing something nice for someone.

Tom, Debby, Tim, and I celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, with photographic proof below. Our oxytocin levels were excellent.

A couple of table views, where the menu was hen, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, black-eyed peas and macaroni and cheese (both from Debby), green beans, asparagus, corn, cranberry sauce, and rolls.

Dessert table, with my cranberry orange bread and Debby’s sweet potato pie.


Lots of leftovers will be eaten. I’m just about to have a slice of cranberry orange bread with my coffee while I start a reread of Book 6 before getting back to the writing of Book 7. One of the issues with a character whose secrets force her to tell lies is a common problem: I, knowing the truth, can’t keep up with her lies.

Sunday Sundries

I took a gentle break this morning as Tom and I were doing household chores and planning for the week ahead. Even when I’m alone at the table, I feel the presence of others. Possibly Lynne gave me the tin that holds my instant hot chocolate (it really is Swiss Miss® this time; it isn’t always), but she definitely gave me the little plate the two Pepperidge Farm® Milano cookies are on (thanks for the cookies, Tom!). The coffee mug is part of a set of four different van Gogh-inspired mugs from Tom’s parents many years back. During my break, I was putting together a menu and grocery list.

This is the beginning of preparation for our Thanksgiving holiday after Tom’s grocery run. There are still a couple of things missing, and these don’t include the food Debby will add. There’s much to be baked, boiled, and otherwise cooked or prepared, but the bulk of shopping is done. This has always been my favorite holiday, despite many past Thanksgivings I’ve experienced with fractured families, missing people, dramatic scenes, and loneliness. That shit can make for good, or at least interesting, storytelling.

I’m grateful for so much and so many every day, and I appreciate having a day when the nation pauses to be thankful–and maybe to do something to help others who aren’t as fortunate. I long ago opted out of Black Friday retail madness, something I’ve never regretted. I wish a good week to those for whom shopping is fun, along with gathering for tag football, watching football, playing board games, retelling stories, and being with family by birth or choice, or being solo and simply enjoying a day of rest, watching Netflix, or appreciating the animals who love us unconditionally.

If the holidays find you depressed, please reach out to available resources easily found online who can help you through it. If it will help you, volunteer your time at a shelter, a food kitchen, or a hospital or nursing home. Whatever you do or don’t do, whatever your circumstances or state of mind, YOU MATTER. Always believe it.

Sunday Sundries

Taffy, who appears to be a golden retriever, tries to look innocent about where that hole came from, but the dirt on her nose and the fact that at least one of her pals seems to be pointing at her, gave her away. (All of these are Mattel dogs.) (ETA: I changed out this photo because I realized in this one, in the upper left, there’s a sliver of Delta watching from a distance. Who can’t have any cake because of the chocolate. Oh, the bitterness.)

That’s a cake I made to celebrate the 1.5-year May birthdays of Timothy and Rhonda. It was in May that our crazy weather and power outages began. Since then, several of us have dealt with sickness, some have traveled, and Lindsey and Timothy have had crazy busy work schedules. Today became the day we could finally all gather: Rhonda, Lindsey, (their dog Pepper), Timothy, Debby, Tom, and me for much needed friend time. Among us, we contributed “finger foods”: queso and chips, puff pastries with fig preserves and brie, chicken wings with three dipping sauces, tuna salad for petite sandwiches, fresh raw vegetables and fruits, turkey sausages, artichoke and jalapeño dip with crackers, guacamole, and hummus and pita chips. I didn’t take any photos except of the cake, though I did catch the two (May) birthday celebrants as we sang “Happy Birthday” to them.

It was lovely to be with friends again and to talk honestly and openly about how we’re all feeling and reacting right now. Our connections are important and to be cherished.

This is the book I colored from back in October of 2022. I think I posted it on Instagram but never on here. If you squint at the page I colored, you may be able to see how, for the framed pieces on the mantel, I chose to copy Rothko postcards that I own.

I thought Mr. Reynolds might be lonely, so I chose a different coloring book I found last year at, I think, Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts, to color a page to go opposite Ryan’s in my sketchbook. Is Mr. Reeves one of the best souls on the planet? Sometimes it seems that way. I found photos online of him in one of his kitchens at some time or another, and used a few of the details for my choices as I colored.

A cozy day reading with Ryan next to a fire in the library, or watching Keanu prepare a meal, sounds like a good time–though I’m content with how I spent my Sunday: good friends, family, dogs, and food.

Saturday fun

Last night as I was falling asleep, forcing myself not to think about the chapter in the Neverending Saga that has given me so much trouble, my brain suggested, “Fix the chapter BEFORE the one you’re working on.”

So I went back and eviscerated that chapter. Time will tell if it was the right choice, but I pondered my next move, next chapter while I played this game.

I finished in record time because author names will always jump out at me. If they’re there to find, that is. I worked longest looking for “Bronte,” until I finally glanced at the word list and realized Bronte wasn’t on it.

Something is wonky with our cable today. Since Tim isn’t home tonight, Tom and Eva went to his place to watch the Alabama-Georgia football game with Pollock. Meanwhile, Debby’s watching it at her place. I was in the mood for a little baking, so I took them both a sampling of my results.

Sausage and cheese balls are an ideal snack for football viewing. I have a big salad to eat, but I’ll definitely eat some of these, too.

Time for me to get back to see if changes in Chapter 14 will help my progress on Chapter 15.

Low Key Saturday

Today I didn’t color anything or reread anyone’s novels or rewatch any movies. I only reread the Book 7 manuscript of the Neverending Saga and resumed working on the chapter I’ve been stalled on for a while. There are no photos to illustrate that, or the dinner I cooked, which is noteworthy only because I cook so few meals these days. We’re eating light or picking up from restaurants (not fast food, which is even rarer than homecooked) this summer.

Maybe things are stalled at Houndstooth Hall because a few things are waiting for Mercury to go direct. I don’t mess around with Mercury. =)

I uploaded the cartoon below early in July but don’t think I ever shared it. Conventional wisdom has it that we don’t particularly enjoy hearing accounts of other people’s dreams. My own dreams have been busy, with very large casts, and I’ve kept them to myself. But imagine if you were a therapist…or went to a therapist, and… 🤣