This is not how I always write. But this is how I write the Neverending Saga (which I’m tackling sometimes only a paragraph a day). I’m taking the reader on a journey. I’m not worried about the pacing (people will say that’s a no-no). I’m not worried that everything and everyone isn’t perfect from the first motion out of the gate and may never be perfect. They can only be who they are.
Sometimes things will go slowly. Sometimes things will come fast.
It’s like life. The older I get, the more I see both the shock and the gentleness of patterns, of connections, in my real-life personal timeline. I think of those readers who aren’t willing to stay along for the ride when they read something they don’t like, wouldn’t do, don’t approve of, whatever. To me, their distrust of the writer (me), their unwillingness to find out what happens next, is akin to those people in my life who couldn’t extend grace, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance toward me and stick it out with me through the years.
Others were willing to take a long, winding trip with me even when they weren’t sure of the destination. I cherish them as I hope one day to cherish readers of what I’m working on.
I am not for everybody. Everything I write won’t be for everybody, either.