Current Photo Friday theme: Grass
“Roll it if you got it.” –Pixie
Who goes there? Please leave comments so (An Aries Knows)!
Current Photo Friday theme: Grass
“Roll it if you got it.” –Pixie
Current Photo Friday theme: Difficult Shot
Houston Galleria, June 1, 2009
What made this shot difficult:
Getting only one human, Timothy, on his floor and the ones above it inside a busy mall.
Being in the right place to get some reflection in the windows behind the flag.
Getting in trouble with security afterward for shooting photos there (shot with a Nikon D40, not a sneaky cell phone).
Previously used for Photo Friday, No. 154, July 3, 2009
I photographed my Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s “Judgmints” next to my mouse so you could see how tiny the tin is. The mints are also tiny and taste a little like Altoids but are softer.
They pair well with my latest candle purchase which joins others, including Stevie, in creating a good writing atmosphere for me today. I need it because I’m frustrated with myself for forgetting to call a particular friend yesterday (before Mercury started that thing Mercury does today), and I’m pretending to ignore the dog who has gotten in trouble twice today. ETA: I also couldn’t solve my daily word puzzle (it isn’t Wordle; I think it predates Wordle). That usually means I’ll go back to it later and have an easier time, but then I accidentally saw the solution online. Dang it.
RBG products were purchased locally. I’m trying to curtail shopping online for a bit, just as I’ve curtailed social media for a bit. It’s a self-imposed test.
Current Photo Friday theme: Up
Houston, Texas
Current Photo Friday theme: Found
Theme: Found
But I can’t find the name of the artist. It’s one of a couple of paintings on a fence at Willard and Montrose.
Current Photo Friday theme: Power
Houston, March 2009
This is often all we can do in a world that’s driving us mad or breaking our hearts.
I celebrated art today by spending a leisurely few hours alone at the Bayou City Arts Festival. There were a couple of artists I wanted to see/meet, but I was happy to absorb art and creativity on every level I could. This is the first public event I’ve attended in more than two years. It was an odd experience being among lots of strangers again, but the weather was good, there was plenty of water to drink and shade to enjoy for brief rests, along with live music and SO MUCH ART. You can be sure you’ll be seeing photos from the day in future posts.
Seeing behind an artist’s festival exhibition space can be as fun as seeing what’s inside it.
It was a good, inspiring way to finish off my birthday weekend. I saw and explored things that make me want to write as well as paint. Our world would be so grim without the good energy of animals, the healing energy of nature, and the creative energy of humans. Music, dance, film, books, and the many varieties of visual art–I’m endlessly grateful for it all.
Stunning day for a festival.
Current Photo Friday theme: Grow
Finding a place where the shamrocks grow.
Current Photo Friday theme: Shadows