Many mornings, I stand at my kitchen sink and watch through the window as the bumblebees drink from the ruellia blossoms. So when I saw this in the Tiny Book of Tiny Pleasures, it seemed like a good prompt to get a bumblebee picture.
Periodically all this morning, I went to the window on bumblebee watch. If I saw any, I hurried outside with my camera. Look, I know we’re all supposed to be worried about bees and the planet, but I need to tell you, bees are assholes. Or maybe just camera-shy assholes. Because whenever I got there: no bumblebees. Here’s proof.
Not a bee.
Not a bee.
Not a bee.
Similar to previous not a bee, but still not a bee.
Similar to first not a bee, and also not a bee.
Almost bumblebee in color, yet decidedly not a bee.
They are all tiny, however. So they’ve been blogged.