Then I remember the storage room

Taken exactly one year ago today in the craft room side of the office. That’s the back of the craft cabinet that ended up on the curb (as did the bookcases and the bottom half of the cabinet behind it) with most of its contents thrown away along with it. But all that stuff stacked on top of it is in storage.

When I wish that the house would be finished and everything put back in place, I think of how many boxes are in the storage room that will need to be unpacked. It’s daunting. No matter how much I’ve purged, I’m betting there will be more purging when it all comes home.

Tiny Tuesday!

Many mornings, I stand at my kitchen sink and watch through the window as the bumblebees drink from the ruellia blossoms. So when I saw this in the Tiny Book of Tiny Pleasures, it seemed like a good prompt to get a bumblebee picture.

Periodically all this morning, I went to the window on bumblebee watch. If I saw any, I hurried outside with my camera. Look, I know we’re all supposed to be worried about bees and the planet, but I need to tell you, bees are assholes. Or maybe just camera-shy assholes. Because whenever I got there: no bumblebees. Here’s proof.

Not a bee.

Not a bee.

Not a bee.

Similar to previous not a bee, but still not a bee.

Similar to first not a bee, and also not a bee.

Almost bumblebee in color, yet decidedly not a bee.

They are all tiny, however. So they’ve been blogged.