
Everything is finished except Tom is going to repaint the entire bathroom. He has the paint and just needs the time. I’ll post the final pictures when that’s done. In the meantime, here was the progress as it happened. It wasn’t a remodel. Since I’m no longer employed, we opted to just replace what was needed to keep expenses to a minimum. But with new pipes, some wood replaced, better insulation, a new tub, and new tile, things are looking better.

Here was the progression after the last photos I posted.

The new tile started going in.

Finally grouted and new towel rack installed. There wasn’t one before. Nor was there an inset for soap and shampoo.

New fixtures.


I ordered these disposable masks on April 3. They just arrived–boxes beat up and far later than I needed them.

For a long time, I had one paper mask that I used over and over. Tom had one Lynne made for him. Then our friend Michelle sent us four that her mother made. My artist friend Jen sent me one she’d made. Debby ordered a couple, one of which was for me. I still have a couple on order that have yet to arrive.

I had hoped to at least have these disposable masks to offer to our contractors when the bathroom was being worked on. They are the first people other than Debby who have been in our house since March 10. They finished the work–maskless–last week.

I now plan on giving many of these out to other people who may need them and keeping some in reserve for future visitors to the Hall.

I can’t talk about what’s going on the US right now. I’m seeing some of the best of people, but it’s the worst of them that keeps me in turmoil. Every day brings something shocking. I need to get distance from it to have any kind of detached perspective to talk about it.

The protests all over the world not only highlight a sensitivity to racism in other countries but make me believe that everyone everywhere doesn’t hate us. It feels like they are able to separate us from the worst actions of a few, and that they have empathy for the American people no matter how little regard they have for our government. It helps.

I haven’t seen a worse administration in my lifetime, and I lived through Nixon. One man and a handful of his enablers have destroyed a political party, exploited our military, disrespected our vets, made a mockery of religious faith, waged war on our people and manipulated us into turning against one another, and abused state governments, Congress, and the courts–but oh, how they have profited. Power and profit are all that matter to them.

I have to stop now.

Hall Status Update

No workers today because we’re waiting for tile to come in, but the shower walls are up!

And I just realized I only put the bathtub pics on Instagram and not here. But it’s in!

I know these aren’t very exciting, but I like to keep track of where we are and what we do every year. This was not in the cards–any kind of bathroom remodel–but was mandated by a plumbing issue. ‘Cause that’s home ownership.

Stormy Saturday

We had storms yesterday, and Anime is not a big fan. I went to sleep just after midnight, and at 5 AM today–BAM! Thunder. I heard some dog movement, but they’ve gone back to sleep. Unlike me. Dammit.

I am committing myself to staying away from news and news feeds today. I’m dedicating it to writing and anything else creative or positive. Maybe some coloring. Probably some cooking.

Still have plenty of this left over. Sof-sof, or what you may know as tabbouleh. It is SO good and will be part of tonight’s meal. Plus I used up that bulgur wheat pictured in a previous post.

Meanwhile, our big bathroom is like this:

Didn’t INTEND to do a remodel while we’re in quarantine, but leaking pipes have mandated it. Hopefully will be complete by the end of the coming week.

You may remember my toy orange VW that I found. I was sending a package to Marika of some other things, and on the spur of the moment I decided to color a VW bug for her (taken from one of my coloring books). After it was finished, I didn’t have a frame or mat the right size, so I painted a canvas and mounted the colored picture on it. It is now hanging in the gallery of her St. Pete home. And she wants a VW van go with it. HIPPIE SHIT HAPPENS. Eventually.

Back of the canvas. Timothy paints his canvas backs and they are like secret gifts of art. I use mine to clean extra paint off my brushes heh heh heh.

Please, Mr. Postman

You guys can’t imagine how many things I’ve ordered since March to be shipped to me that haven’t arrived. I think at last count, I had 11 shipments due. The delay is not the fault of the post office but the impact of COVID-19 on businesses.

Many things I wanted to order I couldn’t due to shortages and their being prioritized for the frontlines of organizations dealing with the pandemic. One of those was hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is not as good as soap and water for cleaning hands, but for seven years, it has been part of my animal rescue life. There is always hand sanitizer near me wherever I am for when handwashing is not an option. So not being able to buy hand sanitizer was a stressor for me.

One day an online ad directed me to this company Peter Thomas Roth who had responded specifically for consumers who couldn’t get hand sanitizer. They were producing it and also directing a portion of their products to frontliners. It’s a little more expensive, but not so much that I wouldn’t pay for my peace of mind. Despite my lack of luck so far receiving orders, I decided to make the effort.

TODAY IT CAME! After weeks of being excited about packages only to find out they were all for Debby or Tim, I got a product I ordered! It was like freaking Christmas around here when I opened the box.

I can go the grocery store and pharmacy with just a little less stress now, because this will be in my car.

Thursday thoughts

When all this started–I think we all know what I mean by “all this,” though we may disagree on when it started, and it started for me long before it was admitted to have started for the White House–I began exploring and organizing my pantry to see what kinds of things I had that would be useful and what things I might want to purchase.

I’m a big believer in dried peas and beans, so I buy them, but because of my work schedule, I’ve been really bad about making a meal plan each week, and you have to plan ahead if you want to use dried vegetables. At least I do, because I don’t use a pressure cooker and the “quick” soak method still requires time to soak and cook. I’ve always been an overnight soaker. That means thinking about tomorrow. And all I was ever thinking about was how to get through several hundred emails a day. (That was why I often did two or more weeks of blog posts at a time. Belatedly.)

BACK TO THE PANTRY. In the interest of better planning and using what I have, here were a couple of things this past week we ate.

I’d baked a chicken one day so I could use up several portions of frozen leftover cornbread for cornbread dressing. Of course, after that meal, we had a lot of leftover chicken. Which went into chicken salad sandwiches a couple of times for Tom, and then this favorite:

Chicken and dumplings, which also used almost the last of my celery.

Among my pantry finds…

Dried kidney beans. Now I seriously only use kidney beans for chili (don’t tell the Texans; they only like meat in their chili), so why I had an entire pack of them is a mystery. I think because I felt like they’d be healthier than canned. Anyway, I read up on them, and found out that many of these peas and beans can be slow cooked in the crock pot. Which is a good way to keep me from burning them. So I used up half of my kidney beans by cooking them overnight in the crockpot and then a couple of days later, slow cooking them for a few hours with the other ingredients to make chili.

(Now I’ve started the next batch of leftover cornbread to freeze unless we finish it with another meal in the coming week, as I’m hoping.)

I also had an excess of great northern beans. I don’t know why.

I soaked some of them one night and cooked them the next day, and holy beans, were they flavorful. I think I served them as a side for pork chops. I usually like pinto beans with pork chops, but the great northerns were really good.

Not to worry. I have pintos, too.

In the salad department, I soak cracked wheat to use in what my Lebanese friends call “sof-sof” which is the same I think as tabbouleh. I haven’t made this in a while, but I’m thinking a grocery trip (masked and gloved and SIX FEET AWAY, PEOPLE) for lemons and parsley are in my future so I can use up the rest of this bulgur wheat.

If you want to try a tabouleh-derived salad, there’s a good recipe here which differs from mine but looks so good. Also, a tip my friend Debbie taught me for cutting up the parsley: roll it in the lettuce leaves (I use iceberg for this, but use what you like) and cut in thin strips. It chops up the parsley and leaves you with beautiful lettuce strips for the salad. I’m now craving this.

For future soups, I have this mixture of dried beans and peas.

Some lentils I’m looking forward to.

No idea what I bought this barley for originally, but it will be used in some soups in our future.

Also on future trips, I’ll hopefully find some of my other favorite peas (crowders? field peas?), that can be used interchangeably with these wonderful dried black-eyed peas.

I honestly have no memory of what I’m doing with this, but I promise to use it and let you know how.

All part of my new desire to cook with variety, mindfulness, and planning.