Sometime back I MIGHT have complained on here that none of the stuff I’d been ordering to be shipped ever arrived. But yet Debby and Tim get packages constantly. It’s almost like I’m being mocked.
Anyway, I had ordered safety glasses for Tom and me and they never came. Finally I got a notice that they were undeliverable to our address (sure, because they weren’t being sent to DEBBY OR TIM), and my money was refunded.
I tried again, but a different type of safety glasses from a different supplier. AND THEY ARRIVED!

I would pose in them, but I have a migraine and look like I have a migraine. But that’s okay, because Tom put mine on one of the Sorbet Pom Poms, who does not have a migraine.

Back even before there was a quarantine or a run on groceries from every hoarder in Houston, I couldn’t find cream of onion soup. It’s not like I use it all the time, but there are some who dine at the Hall who are not fans of cream of mushroom in dishes/casseroles, etc. Whenever I make a pot roast in the crock pot, I NEED my cream of onion soup.
Then the pandemic happened, and it was tough shit, lady, you’re never going to see cream of onion soup again.
Oh, but there are online suppliers to restaurants and other food-based businesses and organizations who will also let just regular folks order stuff, too. So I got more mail! A dozen cans.

Screw the migraine. Today we had a roast with potatoes and carrots, green beans, corn on the cob and a salad. Even Debby and Tim joined Tom and me. It was a long overdue meal around the table.
(Jack stayed at Aunt Debby’s so he couldn’t bug Tim–where he was happily lured into a crate with a McDonald’s french fry. Jack thinks he is living large.)