How do they KNOW?

I’m reading this book that Laura C loaned Tim. On the cover is a portrait of a man and a dog. I made Tim SWEAR to me when he loaned me the book that no dog dies, and I don’t know if he’s read it, but he said he’d already gleaned that information before offering it to me.

Still, the book is REALLY pulling my heartstrings. I have a cold (who doesn’t HATE a summer cold?), so I’ve been taking it easy today. I was lying on the bed without a dog in sight (although Margot was under the bed composing her latest poem called Are Tim’s Dogs Ever Going Home?), when I decided to close the book so I could get up and start dinner. Except as I closed the book, the story overcame me and I let out this kind of snuffle, and suddenly three dogs arrived from different parts of the house to kiss my face and squirm under my hands and wag and nuzzle and let me know that they were there and all was well.

After I thanked them and they dispersed, Margot came out from under the bed to advise me that she’d been ready just in case the pack didn’t meet expectations.

30 Days of Creativity: Day 21

I went back to the kitchen for today’s creative effort. Here are the results:

Breads: homemade banana nut bread and cornbread
Soup: lentils, beef, carrots, onions, potatoes, peas, green beans, rice, corn, celery

Oh, and Tim got creative, too, JUST FOR LINDSEY:

Which made Margot smile.

For 30 Days of Creativity.

30 Days of Creativity: Day 16

For around ten thousand years, or at least since 2002, I’ve used this tiny sketch pad (approximately 5.5 x 4 inches) to make simple line drawings of things I see in Montrose or around The Compound. There really aren’t that many sketches in it because I keep forgetting I have it. Whenever I find it again, I’m always surprised by how much I enjoy looking back at the sketches and vow to do more of them.

Here’s the first new one I’ve done in two years:

For 30 Days of Creativity.

30 Days of Creativity: Day 15

I just finished reading The Harvard Lampoon’s parody of Twilight, titled Nightlight, and while I’m not one to disparage anyone else’s creativity, I have to say I was disappointed. While I agree that Meyer’s book is the perfect material for parody, Nightlight just wasn’t as funny as I hoped it would be. There was humor, but generally it was mild to downright silly. Team Jacob would be disappointed, because the wolf was nowhere to be found.

The cover was the best part. In honor of all Twilight-style covers, I’m presenting here my covers for the series of tales about Pixie’s favorite toy, Lammy. “Lammy” was originally a lamb, not to be confused with a Lambda award, of which there are none at The Compound thanks to Famous Author Rob Byrnes. I think Lammy was a gift from Lisa.

For 30 Days of Creativity.

30 Days of Creativity: Day 2

Today’s effort for 30 Days of Creativity may seem strange to people, but it has the unqualified approval of four three of The Compound dogs. As those of you who’ve read Tim’s or my LJ for any length of time know, we feed our dogs raw diet. To give them the kind of nutrients their wild ancestors would have gotten by eating prey (and their prey’s stomach contents), I add vegetables to the raw meat, bones, and organs they eat. The reason this process is “creative” will be explained below. I promise there are no gross photos behind the cut–unless vegetables frighten you.

Please click here for photos.