Photo Friday, No. 949, part 2

Current Photo Friday theme: Lopsided.

The metal horned lizard in Aaron’s Garden also fits this week’s theme. I spotted him at Buchanan’s Nursery in April of 2023 and hesitated about getting him until I realized he was missing a foot. After working in animal rescue, I know “tripods” make some of the best companions and teach us about stoicism, adaptability, and the refusal to let joy be taken because something’s missing. Years ago, after a drought, I put this old dog bowl in the garden so the lizards would have a place to take a bath and drink water. I don’t keep this guy in the water all the time as pictured here–he’d rust–but as we’re starting to see lizards now that the weather’s warmer, he’s nearby as a lopsided guide to refreshment.

Mindful Monday

Today is for beginnings. I have a couple of art projects I began that will become gifts.

We seem to be moving into a more moderate weather period, which means I started long overdue work on Aaron’s Garden–pruning, plant replacement (required a shopping trip), cleanup, and a few salvaged items from backyard decorations will find a new home there.

Last spring I found these rocks under leaves when I cleaned the carport. I meant to add them to the garden, but they’ve been sitting on this windowsill ever since. They’ve now been moved one step closer. =)

Succulents waiting inside for new pots, fresh soil, and the succulent food I give them.

Need to get all these leaves from the front porch and the garden bed into eco-accepted bags and on the curb.

With all the leaves, twigs, and other debris removed, tomorrow is the day I’ll get everything out, watered, and gardenish again. It was great to be outside a lot today–and also to walk through our local garden center, which was hit pretty hard by recent winter weather, but they’re restocking.

It’s clear enough to see our planetary neighbors and constellations in the night sky. Amazing!

I ran out of time today to revisit an old manuscript. I don’t have the original draft, but I’ve found some other false starts that may get my imagination taking on yesterday’s dragon. Tomorrow!

Mindful Monday

Online, I found these “mindfulness” tattoos people have gotten.

mairaegito on Instagram

rachainsworth on Instagram

missmegstattoo on Instagram

matt.holistic_ink on Instagram

tinytattoos_feathertouch on Instagram

Like a couple of these, many tattoos were of words only: “Let Go” “Be In This Moment” “Be Still” “Be Here Now” “Breathe.” Keeping with this week’s theme, even when only words are used, I see them as symbolic reminders to be mindful.

tattoo gift of Rhonda, 2014

My only tattoo is this one for Aaron, to show he continues to be part of me, the nephew I love beyond death and separation. The tattoo reminds me to cherish what I have in the moment: family, pure love, laughter, and unity, and to try not to be overwhelmed by things not of this moment, whether the past or the unknown future.

Sunday Sundries

I asked in comments if someone wanted another color theme this week and offered a suggestion. Though Blue Sky Boy did agree with red and suggested other options, I laughed when one of his suggestions was “snow.” You may get a coloring page with a snow theme this week, though it’s hard to color anything white on white paper. But you may just get snow photos I’ve taken in the past because I don’t think it’s likely to snow in Houston this week. Then again, it is Texas.

For now, I robbed my Christmas tree and added a special decoration.

This is my Snowman from nephews Aaron and Alex. He’s looking over: a small snowflake made by my mother. I have several of these but didn’t hang them this year. Now this one will make it to the tree since I unpacked it.

A big ceramic snowflake I picked up one year (there’s a matching one in red).

A tree-shaped glass ornament with a tree decal on it, filled with “snow,” that may have come from Lynne.

The two rainbow snowmen ornament was given to us by Rhonda and Lindsey many years ago for The Compound Christmas tree.

A Snowbaby ornament that I think came from Tom’s mother or someone in his family. It also could have come from Big Hair Lisa.

A clear glass ornament with Santa painted on it and “snow” inside. This is another that could have come from Lynne (or someone in her family).

Purple is for birthdays

Happy birthday to Mark, far away in England. I had an extra cake layer in the freezer, so I defrosted and gave it purple candles so everyone at the Hall can have a slice to celebrate you this evening.

Today is the day our nephew Aaron was born in 1993. Because he often came to see us, he had his own napkin ring among those I painted for family and friends who visited The Compound and shared meals with us. Every wooden ring was painted a different color, and Aaron’s is purple. It’s kept in one of the display cabinets in the Houndstooth Hall living room. We will love and miss Aaron always.

Aaron and Tom in February 2011 celebrating Debby’s birthday along with her, David, Geri, and Timothy.