Writing prompt

Today has been a research day with only a small bit of writing. My character has wanted something she can’t get, and now she will be meeting the person who thwarted her. When she takes the time to listen to a bit of this person’s family history, she begins to understand. The problem is, I’M the one who has to come up with that history, and it’s taken many hours of research and thought. I’ll be ready to dive into writing it all tomorrow, I hope.

In the interest of writing something, I grabbed this book and opened it to a random page, where the prompt read, Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? I thought of another of my characters who finds late afternoon and early evening the low point of his day. He gets that from me. Sunrises. Definitely sunrises, never more so than when we have power outages, and I get to experience what I wrote below. Don’t know if you can read it, but feel free to share your own preference in comments.

Tiny Tuesday!

When Tom and I took a walk through the neighborhood last week–on Day 6, when we talked to some actual utility workers in person–I found this dart without a point on the ground and picked it up. As far as Googled photos goes, I think this is a safety dart that’s part of a child’s toy set. I’ve tried in vain to develop a poem out of it, but the Muse is silent on the matter.

I even took out my 300 More Writing Prompts book in case it suggested something I could connect to the dart. No luck. However, I responded to the below prompt, a response I’ll keep private. Feel free to use your imagination as to how you’d answer this question for yourself:

You just won $100,000,000 in the lottery, what does your first day being a multi-millionaire look like?

Mid week

I think I’ve shown this book on here before and even said something along the lines of how I could show the prompt from a page, but probably not what I wrote because it would likely be too personal. I might be imagining that, however.

Previously, I’d completed only one of the prompts and in fact, it was too personal to blog. Decided to try again, and here’s the result.

This was advice I received in the 20th century, so I think it’s safe to bring it up now.