
I just finished reading Michael Cunningham’s novel FLESH AND BLOOD. I swear I must have started it years ago and something interrupted, because the beginning was familiar. But a few chapters in, it was all new.

What a fantastic novel. I’ll be thinking about it for a while with admiration and respect. Okay, I’ll gnash my teeth with jealousy. Rend my garments in a fit of pique. Then I’ll let it go and get back to work. After the 15th, according to my horoscope in OutSmart Magazine.

Larry my wonderful friend and hairstylist told Tim and me today that our picture was in the back of OutSmart. So it was! All four TJB writers at our Houston signing (thank you, Cullen and Borders). And thank you, OutSmart, Tim Brookover (editor), and Dalton Dehart (photographer).

Questions for which I have no answers

1. Why does a HUGE roast cost half the price of three small boneless, skinless chicken breasts? Is it the beef people’s revenge for those clever cows?

2. Why am I still not a vegetarian?

3. Is the current flea infestation at my house the fault of the Suicidal Cat Next Door and its sibling, Cat With No Name?

4. Where did the cookies go?

5. Will I ever get this book proposal to my editor?

Condi Sighting

Yep, I watched the pope’s funeral from about 3:30 a.m. until sometime after 6 a.m. And there she was. Condi. I also saw W and Laura and Bill Clinton. Do you think they were having a slumber party in Rome without us?

It boggles the mind. W likes to turn in early, so he probably fell asleep first. Bill is nocturnal, so he was putting somebody’s bra in the freezer. Laura was chain smoking. I wonder what Condi did? It didn’t look like anyone had toilet-papered the Vatican.

Oh, Condi!

I think that’s going to be a new sitcom on FOX next year. “Oh, Condi!”

Condi is being awfully remiss about not answering invitations promptly. I wonder if she’s going to all these royal weddings and funerals? I hereby request that important people stop dying or getting married until after the slumber party.

Oh. And don’t be declaring any more wars either.