This is as far as I’m going with this

I promised a friend that if Auburn won the National Football Championship, I’d make Summer an outfit in their school colors. Here she is: orange cotton tank, blue crushed velvet bolero jacket and skirt, orange stockings, and blue and orange necklace, all made by me. The belt and boots are by Mattel. I believe this fulfills my promise of a nod to the Auburn Tigers.

Roll Tide.


Now I’m absolutely positive that Timothy J. Lambert sometimes dances in his apartment and that his dogs see this. So there was NO REASON why Pixie, Rex, and Penny had to freeze and stare at me like I’d lost my mind because of a little chair dancing. Everybody’s a critic.

Penny willing to replace Simon Cowell or Paula Abdul or whoever on whatever show.

I’m feeling very Thanksgivingy. Tonight’s menu: baked hen, cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, beans, and salad. Wish you were here!