Sunday Sundries
This is a continuation of last week’s post, suggested by Mark L, wherein I’m sharing photos of the physical bookmarks I’ve found around the house. As I was looking for something on my bookshelves after I did the first post, I realized I have books with bookmarks still in them. I thought it would be fun to share those, too. I’m starting with those found on the library shelves. Next week I’ll go to the living room shelves and be finished with this particular sundries subject. Unless I get more bookmarks. =)
I ordered this book back in April as explained in this post.
I don’t remember why I might have been rereading or referencing Browning’s “My Last Duchess” (a favorite poem), but that’s where I found another Murder By The Book bookmark on that page with the poem’s delightful illustration. Appropriate bookmark! If you aren’t familiar with the poem, the speaker had his “last duchess” murdered. It’s the kind of thing a duke leaves off his online dating accounts. Duchess wannabes, you have been warned.
Then I spotted a bookmark in the second volume of Proust’s Remembrance Of Things Past, reminding me where I left off. And that I left off, and when the heck do I intend to finish reading this and the third book? Who knows, but Half Price Books will be happy to alert me, the next time I glance toward that shelf, that I’m on page 80, and time’s a’wastin’.
Ralph Waldo Emerson looks none too pleased with me. Is it because I haven’t read my Proust, or is it because of the bookmark tucked into his book on page 30?
It’s an advertisement for Lisa Alther’s novel Original Sins. I suspect the very serious Emerson knows that’s not a treatise on the concept of original sin, but hey, it’s probably not as racy as Alther’s first novel I read, Kinflicks. Count your blessings, Ralph.
I’m hoping Henry David Thoreau is not as upset about the bookmark I found in his tome. At least it has a somewhat more religious theme, with references to Psalms and Proverbs. I think this bookmark came from my mother, and the full text is, Becky, “Close To God,” “…Thou art my God, and I will praise thee,” Psalm 118:28,” and “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches…” Proverbs 22:1.
The quote marked on that page is most likely because it was cited in a lecture in a college class (RIP, Dr. Beidler, who changed my life in so many ways): “However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault finder will find faults even in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is…” Thoreau would no doubt be pleased that I take this to heart. I do love and appreciate my life. I might fault-find technology, but I suspect the original Mr. Live Off The Grid might be of a similar disposition.
This copy of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass was a gift from old LiveJournal pal and composer Jeff Funk. It’s full of index cards with notes made by him referencing certain passages. The first card reads, “Becky, if you’re ever feeling caught up in chaos, I hope these beautiful words will bring you comfort. All my best, Jeff Funk, 12/18/09.” I often take dives into Whitman, and one of my long-term goals is to take a free online course on Leaves of Grass. I have several copies, but this one will always be special thanks to Jeff.
I also spotted something sticking out of the pages of the biography Virgina Woolf, by Hermione Lee. I’ve mentioned on here before that I’ve never finished this biography. It’s not from lack of interest and it’s no reflection on the biographer, I simply forget about it, despite recurring reminders of Woolf (just this week, Timmy posted a drawing on Instagram from his sketchbook with Woolf as his subject).
As Jim always says before he visits us and we talk about movies he wants to watch with us, meals he wants to eat with us, and places he wants to see with us, “Put it on the list.” Coincidentally, what was the perfect “bookmark” of what page I’m on? Two photos sent by Jim, one of Jim, one of his ex (I don’t show that one because I didn’t ask permission of the ex. Jim, on the other hand, is used to me sharing images of him on this site). No idea how long ago these photos were taken, but I think he’s at his family’s cabin, and I like that he’s in front of books. Holding what appears to be a glass of wine. What a distinguished gentleman!
ETA: I don’t know how I missed this photo when I created this entry. I was riveted by this Joan Ashby novel and definitely finished it. I don’t think the bookmark is there to note any particular passage, but I’m sure it’s from Brazos bookstore because I bought the book there and used it while I was reading. (It’s a long novel.) Wolas has only two published novels. As soon as there are more, I’ll read them.
Saturday is for chilling
I haven’t had the greatest week thanks to my old companions insomnia and headaches, but it also hasn’t been a bad week. I stopped berating myself for all the things I couldn’t do and opted for a little more passive entertainment than usual. I used Netflix for the first time in quite a while and watched a movie I’d wanted to see, Good Grief, which was sad and funny and treated me to a lot of Paris scenes. I always appreciate tucking that ambiance away for when I write the France/French parts of the Neverending Saga.
I also watched a good documentary on Canadian record producer, film composer, music executive David Foster. I was reminded of something I want to do in the chapter I’ve been trying to work on for over a month. I DO work on it, and then I delete. Write. Delete. Repeat. Hopefully, I’ll be back to writing without deleting it all soon.
Since Tom and I had finished watching the final season of “The Crown” (it was so, so sad), we decided to start the new season of “Bridgerton.” I was right back in that world immediately, so I got out the Bridgerton coloring book I bought back in 2021. I think I may have previously colored only one page from it, but this was a good week to do more. Coloring is my go-to when I need to zone out or feel better.
By tonight, we were down to three episodes, so we went for it and binge-watched them. I think this may be my favorite story arc of all the seasons (this was the third regular season, and there was additionally “Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story,” which I also really enjoyed). I look forward to more seasons.
Although the pages from this book were inspired by the first season, they still capture the Bridgerton vibe. The one above I chose as an homage to Penelope, who this season shunned the “citrus” fashions her mother had always imposed on her. I colored her in more subtle colors than she wore in earlier seasons.
I also chose to color a room with a piano in honor of Francesca’s storyline this season.
Photo Friday, No. 915
Current Photo Friday theme: Wildflowers
You belong among the wildflowers
You belong somewhere you feel free
I don’t have many wildflowers in my yard right now, but pictured are some tiny ones to go with a flag to celebrate International Pride Day in the USA. The last time I did a LGBTQ+ themed post on Instagram, I lost followers. I don’t keep up with who follows me, but if that made anyone unfollow me, it doesn’t feel like a loss. I’ve never made a secret of my role as an ally.
For as long as it takes for this meme to be obsolete and beyond.
ETA: The amount of hate I’ve seen directed at anyone who dares to post something positive about Pride or LGBTQ+ awareness confirms that allies MUST NOT be silent.
Thunder and dogs
Yesterday, we had a somewhat mild rainstorm. I couldn’t hear a lot of thunder, but that picture shows yet another branch that fell and was caught between the divided trunk of one of the trees that lost several large branches in May’s big storm. I didn’t think it was that windy yesterday.
Another “gift” from last month’s storm is the recurring anxiety it’s caused Delta and Anime (Jack less so) whenever we’ve had thunderstorms since. I have a video of Anime’s reaction to thunder a couple of weeks ago that would break your heart. Delta reacts similarly.
In anticipation of there being two weekends surrounding the July 4 holiday, and knowing well the Texan obsession with fireworks, we talked to Anime’s and Delta’s vets (they have two different doctors) about their anxiety. They were both prescribed anti-anxiety meds. Yesterday was a trial run of that, when both got stressed over thunder. It took a bit for the meds to take effect, but they really made a difference. Delta found one of her favorite spots and mostly slept. Anime was a little more active, but I caught her standing at the dogs’ water dispenser, just staring at it, looking pretty much the way I do when I walk into the kitchen and wonder, Why did I come in here? In my case, that’s just a common symptom of being older. In Anime’s case, I felt sure she was stoned and wondering why the water was in a cooler and not a bong.
Copyright: ©RetroAnimals.
Midweek thought
I’m mentally saying, “Dude,” a lot lately to the Universe. =)
I forgot to ask if you can spot the two errors in this meme that make my inner editor sad.
Tiny Tuesday!
Be the sunshine.
Mindful Monday
It was back in May of 2019 when I made the decision to start rewriting a novel I’d last written in the late 1980s/early to mid 1990s. It had a single title (it was the first of a series of three novels) and was nearly 600 pages long (that is way too many pages). My plan was to edit it down to an actual publishable length.
I randomly split the stack of manuscript pages, read a few, and immediately decided that was a bad idea. The writing was nothing like the style or voice my writing had evolved into by the time my other novels were published in the 2000s. My distaste for what I read wasn’t only because of a difference between the style compared to the style of the published books. I just didn’t like what I read.
But those characters had been resurfacing in my consciousness for a while. I can see proof in a lot of my posts in the months prior to that decision to rewrite–the way the most random topics would lead me back to remembering those people and their stories. As I finally said here in 2019, I wanted to know how the decades of changes in me would impact how I would change them. In order not to be influenced by the past version, I packed the manuscript away unread and began my novel in an entirely different way. I never looked back.
As I’ve admitted repeatedly, I didn’t edit that old book down to publishable size. I stopped imposing rules on it. Rules are for publishing houses and their marketing and publicity. I’m not seeking that. I’m writing… because I have to. Even if it’s for the two readers I have. [I’ve tried other readers. That hasn’t worked out well for me so far. I have to rise above the insecurity and doubt other people’s reactions or even indifference cause me so that I can keep writing. This isn’t easy. Writers crave readers.]
Once again, the book was getting TOO LONG. I split the new manuscript into three books. I’m now on the seventh. In each new novel, refreshers are needed relating to plot and characters, but I try to do those in a variety of ways that aren’t tedious for a reader.
Recently, I reached a point when I questioned why the plot unfolded as it did for these people in the old version. I know what motivates them now, but things are a lot different. So what motivated them back then?
A few days ago, I pulled this out again.
I read it first page to last. It was startling how different things are between that old version and the one I’m writing now. I can barely recognize these people. In the decades in which I first conceived them, I was either a teenager smitten by music and musicians, or I watched a lot of daytime TV, plus prime time TV offered dramas like “Dallas,” “Dynasty,” and “Falcon Crest.” Many bestselling novels of those decades were from Jacqueline Susann, Sidney Sheldon, Judith Krantz, Jackie Collins, Harold Robbins, and Danielle Steel, among others. That genre was referred to as glitz, and I suppose because I was writing about people with money, ambition, and fame, I thought I had to write something similar to that style.
I think that old novel fails not because I was writing outside my life experience, but because I was writing outside what I regard as my authentic storytelling voice. So what the heck ever, whether I have two readers or twenty or none, I hope I’m doing all the things listed on the above quote from Mary Lou Cook. I love these people and their flaws, mistakes, virtues, depth, humor. I break a few rules with them. I’m fine with that.
I write for my characters. I write for me. (We are not the same.)
Sunday Sundries
I introduced the sundries topic last week and asked for suggestions on content for it. Today’s theme, suggested by Mark L, required a bit of foraging and was fun. As a child, Mark began a bookmark collection; he still uses bookmarks from that collection as an adult. Having grown up in a house full of readers, bookmarks were definitely part of my environment, both for pleasure reads and textbooks.
Though I read a lot of ebooks now, and they open to the page I’m on each time I pull one up on my iPad or phone, I still have a need for bookmarks because I continue to read and reread physical books. Here are photos of some I found (they don’t include Tom’s, who always has a physical book with a bookmark in it on the bookcase closest to his reading chair).
First up, let’s hear it for the booksellers!
This shares a bit of the bookmark evolution at my favorite Houston bookstore, Murder By The Book. I have many because I shop there a lot, and have also attended many booksignings and even had a couple of my own signings there. There are six (oops, plus one) shown here, but there are more throughout the house. Brazos is another Houston bookstore that’s a favorite. A lot of my literary choices and books about music and music figures come from Brazos, and next week in two weeks, it may figure into a story about an author I plan to share. The Independent Bookstore Day bookmark may have also come from a local bookstore visit. On my links to the right, there’s one to the Independent Bookstore Finder throughout the U.S. Whenever possible, I order through my local booksellers, but I also order from independent booksellers who host booksignings and publicity for authors I admire and read.
That Crossroads bookmark evokes so many memories. There were two LGBTQ+ bookstores in Houston, since closed, Lobo and Crossroads (I believe both stores are mentioned in The Deal, and my late friend Steve R worked at Lobo for a while). TJB and Cochrane/Lambert had signings at both, and Crossroads was my favorite place to go people watch, work on writing, and buy books. I met many people who became friends through Crossroads (including John, who I followed from there to two different Borders locations to Murder By The Book), and when Tim first moved here, he worked there! I miss Crossroads so much.
Then–speaking of the tenacity of independent booksellers who doggedly keep going in a hard market–yet another, older Murder By The Book bookmark slipped in. The Bookshelf was a used bookstore in Huntsville, Alabama where I used to shop. It’s “temporarily closed” since sometime in 2023. I hope they make it. Then there’s Borders, a chain since closed, but it was a vital place that hosted booksignings for us. When people complain that chains drove indies out of the market, I think they provided far more good than people appreciated. I still enjoy going to Barnes & Noble, where I can get a lot more personalized information than online algorithms offer.
Finally, a few neat connections.
I’m not sure about the cherub bookmark, whether it was a gift to me or belonged to my mother. But I’m sure that’s a Greg Herren bookmark from his Bold Strokes book Lake Thirteen. Also, back in the days of Live Journal, at least as far back as 2005, I think, other writers/authors and I agreed we needed to use the reading-is-hot tag on our blogs and websites. I still use it. A lot of readers helped us by sending photos of themselves reading in beds, bathtubs, etc. It was a fun time. I don’t remember where the bookmark came from and imagine it was probably not connected to that effort, but it certainly illustrated the theme. The bookmark on the far right was from the late Linda Raven Moore, who maintained several sites, including Markeroni, to which contributors documented with words and photos their visits to historical and local locations that had markers explaining their significance. I very much miss Linda, as I’m sure many do. On LiveJournal, she was whytraven.
These are some that belonged to and were used by my mother.
They live in a metal box where I have many small mementos belonging to her. The one on the far right is imprinted with the word JOY. I have a vague memory about the one made with yarn, but I’m not sure of its accuracy.
I’ve shared these on here before. They’re bookmarks made for Tom and me by his mother with beautiful beads. I’ve used them several times in thick, heavy books.
Finally, here are some I designed (and had printed by a company I’m not sure still exists; it’s in the old ‘hood) to give away at readings and to people who sent us novels to be signed.
Notice there isn’t one for the fifth book, When You Don’t See Me. I can only speculate that for me, some of the serious themes and painful events in the characters’ lives didn’t lend the novel to a whimsical bookmark.
There are also serious themes in Three Fortunes In One Cookie; that didn’t stop me then.
Regarding the websites listed on these two bookmarks–Tim no longer has an active website (which I miss very much), and I finally shut down this year since it had been inactive for so long (and websites aren’t cheap).
ETA: Later, I went to open one of my display cabinets, and found these three bookmarks with beautiful original art that were gifts from Geri. I don’t use them because I want the art to remain intact, and that’s fine. Even utilitarian items can be appreciated for their aesthetic value.
Thanks, Mark, this was a good journey, and as always, I found other things along the way that merit a little more storytelling. In fact, there are enough of those to require a Part Two on the Bookmarks sundries topic. Hope to see everyone next week when I share them. AND PLEASE give me more topics (I do have several thanks to visitors to this site, two who left comments, and others from people who tell me via other channels). As always, thank you for visiting and engaging.
Random Saturday musings
Back in March of 2019 is when I think I posted using Keri Smith’s Wreck This Journal for the first time. The page I chose to do involved fruit stickers, and it looked like this.
I may have added a few since then.
Here’s a new one I did this month. Another way to test my memory.
When I did it, I kept wondering what smelled so wonderful. Well, it was a couple of pages prior, done in April 2019, and still smelling as FABULOUS as ever: splashes of Chanel N° 5.
It took me more than five years to have the nerve to do this one. It is done as of yesterday.
Author Keri Smith warned it would be difficult.
Did you flinch a little when you saw that I did it? Even book lovers who read the cheapest of paperbacks protect the spines. (And most of us use bookmarks to keep from bending down the pages.)
No worry about cracking the spines or bending the pages when I read ebooks on my iPad, including this latest one from Carolyn Haines in her Sarah Booth Delaney mystery series. Of course, my iPad has fallen to the floor a couple of times and now has thin cracks across the surface of the glass. I don’t blame the dogs, who ran into power cords and pulled it down. I blame whoever makes covers for devices like this one. When my old iPad that I had for many years stopped working, it still had a flawless screen because of the great case that kept it well-protected. When I replaced the iPad, I couldn’t find a case even close to that one in quality or protective features. So I deal with those hairline cracks; it’s worth it to read my favorite writers. Carolyn Haines is certainly among that group.