If you haven’t seen Brokeback Mountain, you might not want to see its entire plot summarized in half a minute. But this is priceless.
Author: Becky
First response
The following is a quote from an article about Hurricane Katrina regarding the videotapes and documents that are shedding light on what Bush knew and when he knew it:
The White House and Homeland Security Department urged the public Wednesday not to read too much into the footage.
“I hope people don’t draw conclusions from the president getting a single briefing,” Bush spokesman Trent Duffy said, citing a variety of orders and disaster declarations Bush signed before the storm made landfall. “He received multiple briefings from multiple officials, and he was completely engaged at all times.”
Response, Phase 1, has now been taken care of, the “you aren’t seeing what you think you’re seeing and it’s only part of the picture and Bush does not need anyone behind him to make his mouth move.”
We can now look forward to the future phases:
Response, Phase 2: The liberal media is waging a smear campaign against us, waaaaaah.
Response, Phase 3: Shut up! Anyone who believes this is un-American and unpatriotic and just downright evil.
Response, Phase 4: The Department of Homeland Security has received credible information of a new threat involving (fill in the blank; I’m sure as hell not giving them any ideas, and I don’t mean the terrorists).
Response, Phase 5: Whoa, is that school trying to form a gay/straight student alliance? MUST.STOP.THE.GAYS. Think of the children!!!!!!!!!
Response, Phase 6: We are very close to finding bin Laden, who was responsible for the tragic attacks on 9/11. Don’t forget that Bush was there, on the scene, in New York City, just after 9/11, and he vowed that he would find those responsible for 9/11, and he will, too. Because he’ll never forget the victims of 9/11.
For Jandy
For some time, I’ve suspected that my car is invisible. Because whether Tim is driving or I am, people obviously can’t see it. That’s why they’re always doing death defying things like pulling out in front of us, stopping at green lights to talk on their cell phones when we are behind them, or cutting over from another lane and almost grazing us.
But I didn’t know that my own personal super power is invisibility until yesterday, when that guy at the post office could neither see nor hear me even though he was always within three feet of me. Oddly, as I was driving out, he was walking to his car. I had a CLEAR SHOT at running over him, and he wouldn’t have known I did it because my car and I are invisible.
Since Jandy needs photographic evidence, here it is.
see photos
It’s official
I have now crossed over to the pink side…
What went out today:
What it will look like in October:
Some people just don’t get it
I’m not talking about people who listen to Ann Coulter–does anyone actually take her seriously anymore?
We got copies of the next TJB book SOMEONE LIKE YOU. The real book, not the advance reader copies. And someone opted to change, from our WRITER-APPROVED typeset, “Famous Author Rob Byrnes” to “famous author Rob Byrnes” in the acknowledgments. He has been lower-cased! Clearly, someone is bitterly jealous of his place in the writing firmament.
I mean…unless our editor John did it. In which case, John is brilliant and Rob doesn’t care and neither do we and just keep publishing us all, etc. etc.
It’s in the stars…
I’m less than 2448 hours away from being able to ship my manuscript to the publisher. Everything’s written, and most of it has been heavily edited by me, and read and edited by Tim and Tom. Jim is reading it, too, and I know he won’t be finished before it ships, but he always finds little things which I can make sure get corrected before it goes to typeset.
Continue reading “It’s in the stars…”
Today’s moment of bliss…
So misunderstood…
An interview on writing
From Sell Writing Online: Author Interviews, these questions were originally asked of author Jane Wenham-Jones. In the spirit of the self-interview as introduced to blogging by Shawn Lea, here are my answers.
Continue reading “An interview on writing”
The Test Dog
A week and four days into Tim’s accepting Rex the Dog into The Compound on a trial basis, we are still having pack issues. Guinness adored him and then she didn’t. Margot hasn’t adored him yet. Sometimes, by accident, she will almost play with him, and then she turns into something resembling that dog/beast thing that was in the first Ghostbusters movie.
Continue reading “The Test Dog”