Placeholder on Hump Day

Wednesday got away from me–a whole lot going on at Houndstooth Hall at the moment. I read a stunning poem by Lynne Shapiro in Eating Her Wedding Dress: A Collection of Clothing Poems, and it inspired me to begin a character poem, but I’ll need to finish the poem later and will return to this post to add it when it’s ready. (ETA: Done! See bottom of this post.)

In the meantime, this is Shapiro’s poem.

Your Dead Mother

Dangles from the sky
Like a slim moon
Strung on a string
Silvery blue dress
Pleated like a curtain
Shimmers in your
Room at night
As cocktail gloves
And long fingers
Reach down to caress
Your sleepy head

Composing my poem also made me think of this sculpture that was our late friend Steve’s, which always has a place in our home.

Below is the poem I wrote using the word list and title from Write The Poem. It’s a scene that’s maybe two novels away in the Neverending Saga, though it’s been planned a long time. It’s as if whoever put this list of words together could see into the future. My poem is the reason I thought of Steve’s sculpture.

Darkness holds a secret.
He’s in his fourth decade of keeping it.
Less than two decades since four collaborators
joined him in the shadows.
Sleepless, he keeps vigil over her in the dim room.
He wants to whisper,
“She is the one who cradles you in the moon’s crescent.
Even when the sky is moonless, she is there.”
His silence ensures she will not become wakeful.
The black secret will not touch her.

©Becky Cochrane, 2025

3 thoughts on “Placeholder on Hump Day”

  1. I love those art deco sculptures.

    ‘Black secrets’ sound ominous. Lucky is the individual whom they do not touch.

    1. I do, too. And the works of Erté. My late friend Jeff had several Erté prints (some signed), and that’s how I came to know his art.

    2. I hope one day you’ll be reading these books because they’re finally finished and I’ve found a way to get print copies for you.

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