Things that are red.

I’m intending to share a few things featuring the color red in the coming days. From the 3000 Questions About Me book, 2167. If you could afford a personal driver to drive you everywhere, would you get one?
I’ve always said if I were wealthy, the one lifestyle change I’d definitely make is to have a full-time chauffeur. So that’s a resounding YES answer to the question. They could drive me in a red truck, a red Woody, a red Beatles car, or a red London bus for all I care. I only ask that speed not be excessive and they don’t tailgate, taunt, or incite other drivers, a terrible idea in Texas.
Yeah, that would nice too. I would add avoiding airport traffic jams by sneaking onto the airport shuttles. I would like my I-must-be-a-rich-person’s vehicle to stay undamaged. I do love the idea of a personal London Bus! Especially, if it’s something resembling this:
Well, now that is just my favorite bus ever. I don’t blame you at all. When you are rich and have your own, I would like to take a ride in it with you. When I get rich, we already know I’m finding a place for anyone creative to rest a spell so I can have Storyteller’s Lane named after me. =)
Because I can’t drive much at all, this is sort of a dream of mine, too. Thanks to Uber, I’ve been lucky enough to meet a few drivers I can hire when needed who I trust significantly more than myself when I need to get somewhere outside of my driving radius. It’s not the same thing as a full-time chauffeur, but it works in that I have a new friend I can talk to (a lot) and I get to far-flung doctors’ appointments safely. If you need the name of this driving friend, let me know 🙂
I very well may take you up on that.