Photo Friday, No. 921

Current Photo Friday theme: Toys

The toy chest overflowed long ago. There are toys in every room of the house except maybe the kitchen and bathrooms. We never had children, but our friends and family did. The toy chest is never this organized and never left open, or four dogs would turn Houndstooth Hall into the Great Beanie BabiesĀ® & Friends Massacre.

2 thoughts on “Photo Friday, No. 921”

  1. My hallo spaceboy picks those telescopic view of galaxies among Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. Otherwise, it’s Lego, Trains, Star Wars and Transformers.

    1. You are very much like a couple of other guys I know, who can still get happily lost among the very things you list. It’s a gift to never outgrow our toys.

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