4 thoughts on “Mindful Monday”

  1. The dream I had the other night involved a creepy-crawly-microphone crawling rapidly across the carpet, a crockpot battery disguised as chicken and dumplings, with sneaky-slithery-sly wires stringing out to other devices all buried under the clothes in a dresser drawer, and a very angry man outside. Looking through the cylindrically-circular-eyehole was a rounded distortion of a squarely-jawed-angerly-angry-man with a tattoo over one eye. Then, he started firing a gun at the door, to get in. Upon the failures of knocking, patience and gunfire, which should have been terribly easy, he resorted to clawing the walls down with bits of protective furniture still protecting us. But, he failed to get through what was left of the wall by the time we jumped out the window.

    I’m not sure who or what (The Matrix?) planned all of that, nor what events lead to all of this, but I do remember “waking up” asking about my luggage.

    1. That wasn’t a dream, it was a nightmare! I took her quote to mean that the things we aspire to–like going to college, playing guitar, making a positive difference in the world, being an Olympic athlete, becoming a teacher–begin with a dream. It’s the first part of the plan.

      Did you have a heavy meal before you went to sleep? Maybe chicken and dumplings? I would like to opt out of any Matrix-type plans.

      1. I didn’t think of that one as a nightmare at the time, but I guess you’re right, now that I re-read what I wrote, dreaming being aspiration or planning for the future does fit well with her quote.

        I haven’t had slow-cooked crockpot-proper chicken and dumplings in a very long time. And, I’m not sure why it’s all hyphens, either, hahaha ;). I don’t remember what I ate for dinner that night though.

        I have thought about giving up work and be a teacher, but my dream would be at the community college level. I’d probably end up doing so with engineering anyway, when my feelings would focus on something else.

        1. Maybe your “dream” was telling you that you need chicken and dumplings! Though I guess the heat sort of makes that not sound as good. =)

          I hope you find the path to your best dreams for yourself. I’d celebrate for you!

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