Beryl: Day 1

[Original post on this date: Beryl came ashore as a Category 1 hurricane. Strong bands reached us before dawn, and we lost power at 6:20 am.

Updating via phone after the fact. Will edit these posts and share photos when power is restored and I can use my computer again.]

Street flooding from Beryl’s rains. Lots of broken limbs floating down the street toward the corner drains that empty into our neighborhood bayou. As I watched the water rise (it never came over our sidewalk), Beryl’s winds were pushing the water in the opposite direction of its natural flow. It was a bit mind boggling to see that conflict between land and wind.

2 thoughts on “Beryl: Day 1”

  1. You get a Hurricane (again), floods (again), power failures (again), and I get the 118 degrees (in the desert), just the random lightning over a weekend and wind (still no rain during the hot season), a relatively much shorter power failure (again, but long enough to cook the indoors), and two days later, a valley choked in smoke by three wildfires just east. So far, the only reprieve we have had has been (ugh) has been the winds pushing the smoke northwards during the late afternoon/late evening hours. When the sun sets, the winds eventually die down, and like that water going uphill, the smoke goes back downhill.

    I hope this hurricane doesn’t result in that last big one with indoor flooding and severe water damages.

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