Saturday is for chilling

I haven’t had the greatest week thanks to my old companions insomnia and headaches, but it also hasn’t been a bad week. I stopped berating myself for all the things I couldn’t do and opted for a little more passive entertainment than usual. I used Netflix for the first time in quite a while and watched a movie I’d wanted to see, Good Grief, which was sad and funny and treated me to a lot of Paris scenes. I always appreciate tucking that ambiance away for when I write the France/French parts of the Neverending Saga.

I also watched a good documentary on Canadian record producer, film composer, music executive David Foster. I was reminded of something I want to do in the chapter I’ve been trying to work on for over a month. I DO work on it, and then I delete. Write. Delete. Repeat. Hopefully, I’ll be back to writing without deleting it all soon.

Since Tom and I had finished watching the final season of “The Crown” (it was so, so sad), we decided to start the new season of “Bridgerton.” I was right back in that world immediately, so I got out the Bridgerton coloring book I bought back in 2021. I think I may have previously colored only one page from it, but this was a good week to do more. Coloring is my go-to when I need to zone out or feel better.

By tonight, we were down to three episodes, so we went for it and binge-watched them. I think this may be my favorite story arc of all the seasons (this was the third regular season, and there was additionally “Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story,” which I also really enjoyed). I look forward to more seasons.

Although the pages from this book were inspired by the first season, they still capture the Bridgerton vibe. The one above I chose as an homage to Penelope, who this season shunned the “citrus” fashions her mother had always imposed on her. I colored her in more subtle colors than she wore in earlier seasons.

I also chose to color a room with a piano in honor of Francesca’s storyline this season.

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